Ensemble Patch Transform, Visualization and Decomposition

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Documentation for package ‘EPT’ version 0.7.6

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eptdecomp Decomposition of a signal by Ensemble Patch Transform
eptdecomp2d Decomposition of an Image by Two-dimensional Ensemble Patch Transform
eptmap Multiscale Visualization of Ensemble Patch Transform of a Signal
eptplot Plot of Components by Ensemble Patch Transform of a Signal
eptransf Ensemble Patch Transform of a Signal
eptransf2d Two-dimensional Ensemble Patch Transform of an Image
localextrema Finding Local Extrema and Zero-crossings of a Signal
LOD Length of Day Data
meptransf Multiscale Ensemble Patch Transforms of a Signal
meptransf2d Multiscale Two-dimensional Ensemble Patch Transforms of an Image
SolarRadiation Solar Radiation