EMbC-package {EMbC} | R Documentation |
Expectation-Maximization binary Clustering package.
The Expectation-maximization binary clustering (EMbC) is a general purpose, unsupervised, multi-variate, clustering algorithm, driven by two main motivations: (i) it looks for a good compromise between statistical soundness and ease and generality of use - by minimizing prior assumptions and favouring the semantic interpretation of the final clustering - and, (ii) it allows taking into account the uncertainty in the data. These features make it specially suitable for the behavioural annotation of animal's movement trajectories.
The method is a variant of the well sounded Expectation-Maximization Clustering (EMC) algorithm, - i.e. under the assumption of an underlying Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) describing the distribution of the data-set - but constrained to generate a binary partition of the input space. This is achieved by means of the *delimiters*, a set of parameters that discretizes the input features into high and low values and define the binary regions of the input space. As a result, each final cluster includes a unique combination of either low or high values of the input variables. Splitting the input features into low and high values is what favours the semantic interpretation of the final clustering.
The initial assumptions implemented in the EMbC algorithm aim at minimizing biases and sensitivity to initial conditions: (i) each data point is assigned a uniform probability of belonging to each cluster, (ii) the prior mixture distribution is uniform (each cluster starts with the same number of data points), (iii) the starting partition, (*i.e.* initial delimiters position), is selected based on a global maximum variance criterion, thus conveying the minimum information possible.
The number of output clusters is $2^m$ determined by the number of input features $m$. This number is only an upper bound as some of the clusters can be merged along the likelihood optimization process. The EMbC algorithm is intended to be used with not more than 5 or 6 input features, yielding a maximum of 32 or 64 clusters. This limitation in the number of clusters is consistent with the main motivation of the algorithm of favouring the semantic interpretation of the results.
The algorithm deals very intuitively with data reliability: the larger the uncertainty associated with a data point, the smaller the leverage of that data point in the clustering.
Compared to close related methods like EMC and Hidden Markov Models (HMM), the EMbC is specially useful when: (i) we can expect bi-modality, to some extent, in the conditional distribution of the input features or, at least, we can assume that a binary partition of the input space can provide useful information, and (ii) a first order temporal dependence assumption, a necessary condition in HMM, can not be guaranteed.
The EMbC R-package is mainly intended for the behavioural annotation of animals' movement trajectories where an easy interpretation of the final clustering and the reliability of the data constitute two key issues, and the conditions of bi-modality and unfair temporal dependence usually hold. In particular, the temporal dependence condition is easily violated in animal's movement trajectories because of the heterogeneity in empirical time series due to large gaps, or prefixed sampling scheduling.
Input movement trajectories are given either as a *data.frame* or a *Move* object from the **move** R-package. The package deals also with stacks of trajectories for population level analysis. Segmentation is based on local estimates of velocity and turning angle, eventually including a solar position covariate as a daytime indicator.
The core clustering method is complemented with a set of functions to easily visualize and analyze the output:
* clustering statistics, * clustering scatterplot (2D and 3D) * temporal labeling profile (ethogram), * plotting of intermediate variables, * confusion matrix (numerical validation with respect to an expert's labeling), * visual validation with external information (e.g. environmental data), * generation of kml or webmap docs for detailed inspection of the output.
Also, some functions are provided to further refine the output, either by pre-processing (smoothing) the input data or by post-processing (smoothing, relabeling, merging) the output labeling.
The results obtained for different empirical datasets suggest that the EMbC algorithm behaves reasonably well for a wide range of tracking technologies, species, and ecological contexts (e.g. migration, foraging).
Joan Garriga jgarriga@ceab.csic.es