pinferunemjmcmc {EMJMCMC} | R Documentation |
A wrapper for running the GLMM, BLR, or DBRM based inference and predictions in an expert but rather easy to use way
A wrapper for running the GLMM, BLR, or DBRM based inference and predictions in an expert but rather easy to use way
n.cores = 4,
mcgmj = mcgmjpse,
report.level = 0.5,
simplify = FALSE, = 1000,
predict = FALSE, = 1,
link.function = function(z) z,
n.cores |
the maximal number of cores (and (R)(G)MJMCMC threads) to be addressed in the analysis |
mcgmj |
an mclapply like function for performing for performing parallel computing, do not change the default unless you are using Windows |
report.level |
a numeric value in (0,1) specifying the threshold for detections based on the marginal inclusion probabilities |
simplify |
a logical value specifying in simplification of the features is to be done after the search is completed | |
the number of the best models in the thread to calculate marginal inclusion probabilities |
predict |
a logical value specifying if predictions should be done by the run of pinferunemjmcmc | |
covariates data.frame to be used for predictions |
link.function |
the link functions to be used to make predictions |
runemjmcmc.params |
a vector of parameters of runemjmcmc function, see the help of runemjmcmc for details |
a list of
- feat.stat
detected features or logical expressions and their marginal inclusion probabilities
- predictions
predicted values if they are required, NULL otherwise
- allposteriors
all visited by (R)(G)MJMCMC features and logical expressions and their marginal inclusion probabilities
- threads.stats
a vector of detailed outputs of individual n.cores threads of (R)(G)MJMCMC run
See Also
runemjmcmc LogrRegr DeepRegr LinRegr
# inference
X <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "exa1.csv", package="EMJMCMC"))
data.example <-
# specify the initial formula
formula1 <- as.formula(
paste(colnames(X)[5], "~ 1 +", paste0(colnames(X)[-5], collapse = "+"))
# define the number or cpus
M <- 1L
# define the size of the simulated samples
NM <- 1000
# define \k_{max} + 1 from the paper
compmax <- 16
# define treshold for preinclusion of the tree into the analysis
th <- (10)^(-5)
# define a final treshold on the posterior marginal probability for reporting a
# tree
thf <- 0.05
# specify tuning parameters of the algorithm for exploring DBRM of interest
# notice that allow_offsprings=3 corresponds to the GMJMCMC runs and
# allow_offsprings=4 -to the RGMJMCMC runs
res1 <- pinferunemjmcmc(
n.cores = M, report.level = 0.5, = NM, simplify = TRUE,
runemjmcmc.params = list(
formula = formula1, data = data.example, estimator = estimate.gamma.cpen_2,
estimator.args = list(data = data.example), recalc_margin = 249,
save.beta = FALSE, interact = TRUE, outgraphs = FALSE,
relations = c("to23", "expi", "logi", "to35", "sini", "troot", "sigmoid"),
relations.prob = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
interact.param = list(allow_offsprings = 3, mutation_rate = 250,
last.mutation = 10000, max.tree.size = 5, Nvars.max = 15,
p.allow.replace = 0.9, p.allow.tree = 0.01, p.nor = 0.9, p.and = 0.9),
n.models = 10000, unique = TRUE, max.cpu = M, max.cpu.glob = M,
create.table = FALSE, create.hash = TRUE, pseudo.paral = TRUE, = 100, print.freq = 1000,
advanced.param = list(
max.N.glob = as.integer(10),
min.N.glob = as.integer(5),
max.N = as.integer(3),
min.N = as.integer(1),
printable = FALSE
# prediction
compmax <- 21
# read in the train and test data sets
test <- read.csv(
system.file("extdata", "breast_cancer_test.csv", package="EMJMCMC"),
header = TRUE, sep = ","
)[, -1]
train <- read.csv(
system.file("extdata", "breast_cancer_train.csv", package="EMJMCMC"),
header = TRUE, sep = ","
)[, -1]
# transform the train data set to a data.example data.frame that EMJMCMC class
# will internally use
data.example <-
# specify the link function that will be used in the prediction phase
g <- function(x) {
return((x <- 1 / (1 + exp(-x))))
formula1 <- as.formula(
colnames(data.example)[31], "~ 1 +",
paste0(colnames(data.example)[-31], collapse = "+")
# Defining a custom estimator function
estimate.bas.glm.cpen <- function(
formula, data, family, prior, logn, r = 0.1, yid=1,
relat =c("cosi","sigmoid","tanh","atan","erf","m(")
) {
#only poisson and binomial families are currently adopted
X <- model.matrix(object = formula,data = data)
capture.output({out <- = X, y = data[,yid], family=family,coefprior=prior)})
fobserved <- fmla.proc[1]
fmla.proc[2]<- stringi::stri_replace_all(str = fmla.proc[2],fixed = " ",replacement = "")
fmla.proc[2]<- stringi::stri_replace_all(str = fmla.proc[2],fixed = "\n",replacement = "")
sj<-2*(stringi::stri_count_fixed(str = fmla.proc[2], pattern = "*"))
sj<-sj+1*(stringi::stri_count_fixed(str = fmla.proc[2], pattern = "+"))
for(rel in relat) {
sj<-sj+2*(stringi::stri_count_fixed(str = fmla.proc[2], pattern = rel))
mlik = ((-out$deviance +2*log(r)*sum(sj)))/2
mlik = mlik, waic = -(out$deviance + 2*out$rank),
dic = -(out$deviance + logn*out$rank),
summary.fixed = list(mean = coefficients(out))
res <- pinferunemjmcmc(
n.cores = M, report.level = 0.5, = NM, simplify = TRUE,
predict = TRUE, =, link.function = g,
runemjmcmc.params = list(
formula = formula1, data = data.example, gen.prob = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 0),
estimator = estimate.bas.glm.cpen,
estimator.args = list(
data = data.example, prior = BAS::aic.prior(), family = binomial(),
yid = 31, logn = log(143), r = exp(-0.5)
), recalc_margin = 95, save.beta = TRUE, interact = TRUE,
relations = c("gauss", "tanh", "atan", "sin"),
relations.prob = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
interact.param = list(
allow_offsprings = 4, mutation_rate = 100, last.mutation = 1000,
max.tree.size = 6, Nvars.max = 20, p.allow.replace = 0.5,
p.allow.tree = 0.4, p.nor = 0.3, p.and = 0.9
), n.models = 7000, unique = TRUE, max.cpu = M, max.cpu.glob = M,
create.table = FALSE, create.hash = TRUE, pseudo.paral = TRUE, = 100, print.freq = 1000,
advanced.param = list(
max.N.glob = as.integer(10), min.N.glob = as.integer(5),
max.N = as.integer(3), min.N = as.integer(1), printable = FALSE
for (jjjj in 1:10)
resw <- as.integer(res$predictions >= 0.1 * jjjj)
prec <- (1 - sum(abs(resw - test$X), na.rm = TRUE) / length(resw))
ps <- which(test$X == 1)
fnr <- sum(abs(resw[ps] - test$X[ps])) / (sum(abs(resw[ps] - test$X[ps])) + length(ps))
ns <- which(test$X == 0)
fpr <- sum(abs(resw[ns] - test$X[ns])) / (sum(abs(resw[ns] - test$X[ns])) + length(ns))