parall.gmj {EMJMCMC} | R Documentation |
A function to run parallel chains of (R)(G)MJMCMC algorithms
A function to run parallel chains of (R)(G)MJMCMC algorithms
parall.gmj(X, M = 16, preschedule = FALSE)
X |
a vector of lists of parameters of runemjmcmc as well as several additional fields that must come after runemjmcmc parameters such as:
M |
a number of CPUs to be used (can only be equal to 1 on Windows OS currently, up to a maximal number of cores can be used on Linux-based systems) |
preschedule |
if pseudoscheduling should be used for the jobs if their number exceeds M (if TRUE) otherwise the jobs are performed sequentially w.r.t. their order |
a vector of lists of
- post.populi
the total mass (sum of the marginal likelihoods times the priors of the visited models) from the addressed run of runemjmcmc
posterior probabilities of the covariates approximated by the addressed run of runemjmcmc
- cterm
the best value of marginal likelihood times the prior from the addressed run of runemjmcmc
- fparam
the final set of covariates returned by the addressed run of runemjmcmc
See Also
runemjmcmc parall.gmj
j <- 1
M <- 4
X4 <-
data = rbinom(n = 50 * 1000, size = 1, prob = runif(n = 50 * 1000, 0, 1)),
dim = c(1000, 50)
Y4 <- rnorm(
n = 1000,
mean = 1 +
7 * (X4$V4 * X4$V17 * X4$V30 * X4$V10) +
7 * (X4$V50 * X4$V19 * X4$V13 * X4$V11) +
9 * (X4$V37 * X4$V20 * X4$V12) +
7 * (X4$V1 * X4$V27 * X4$V3) +
3.5 * (X4$V9 * X4$V2) +
6.6 * (X4$V21 * X4$V18) +
1.5 * X4$V7 +
1.5 * X4$V8,
sd = 1
X4$Y4 <- Y4
formula1 <- as.formula(
paste(colnames(X4)[51], "~ 1 +", paste0(colnames(X4)[-c(51)], collapse = "+"))
data.example <-
vect <- list(
formula = formula1, outgraphs = FALSE, data = X4,
estimator = estimate.logic.lm,
estimator.args = list(data = data.example, n = 100, m = 50),
recalc_margin = 249, save.beta = FALSE, interact = TRUE,
relations = c("", "lgx2", "cos", "sigmoid", "tanh", "atan", "erf"),
relations.prob = c(0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
interact.param = list(
allow_offsprings = 1, mutation_rate = 250, last.mutation = 15000,
max.tree.size = 4, Nvars.max = 40, p.allow.replace = 0.7,
p.allow.tree = 0.2, p.nor = 0, p.and = 0.9
), n.models = 20000, unique = TRUE, max.cpu = 4, max.cpu.glob = 4,
create.table = FALSE, create.hash = TRUE, pseudo.paral = TRUE, = 50, print.freq = 1000,
advanced.param = list(
max.N.glob = as.integer(10),
min.N.glob = as.integer(5),
max.N = as.integer(3),
min.N = as.integer(1),
printable = FALSE
params <- list(vect)[rep(1, M)]
for (i in 1:M) {
params[[i]]$cpu <- i
params[[i]]$NM <- 1000
params[[i]]$simlen <- 21
message("begin simulation ", j)
results <- parall.gmj(X = params, M = 1)