Experience Life Tables

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Documentation for package ‘ELT’ version 1.7

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ELT-package ELT - A package to build Experience Life Tables
AddReference AddReference function.
ComparisonMethods ComparisonMethods function
CompletionA CompletionA function
CompletionB CompletionB function
Dispersion Dispersion function
ELT ELT - A package to build Experience Life Tables
FctMethod1 FctMethod1 function
FctMethod2 FctMethod2 function
FctMethod3 FctMethod3 function
FctMethod4_1stPart FctMethod4_1stPart function
FctMethod4_2ndPart FctMethod4_2ndPart function
Method1 Method1 function
Method2 Method2 function
Method3 Method3 function
Method4A Method4A function
Method4B Method4B function
MyPortfolio MyPortfolio used for the exemple.
NoCompletion NoCompletion function
ReadHistory readHistory function
ReferenceFemale ReferenceFemale used for the exemple.
ReferenceMale ReferenceMale used for the exemple.
SurfacePlot SurfacePlot function
ValidationLevel1 ValidationLevel1 function
ValidationLevel2 ValidationLevel2 function
ValidationLevel3 ValidationLevel3 function