ei_gme {EIEntropy}R Documentation

Ecologic Inference applying entropy


The function ei_gme defines the Shannon entropy function which takes a vector of probabilities as input and returns the negative sum of p times the natural logarithm of p.The function will set the optimization parameters and using the "optim" function an optimal solution is obtained. The function defines the independent variables in the two databases needed, which we call datahp with "n_hp" observations and datahs with "n_hs" observations; and the function of the binary variable of interest y. Then the weights of each observation for the two databases used are defined, if there are no weights available it will be 1. The errors are calculated pondering the support vector of dimension var, 0, -var. This support vector can be specified by the user. The default support vector is based on variance.We recommend a wider interval with v(-1,0,1) as the maximum. The restrictions are defined to guarantee consistency. The optimization of the Shannon entropy function is solved with the "optim" function local solver "BFGS" and the tolerance by default is settled in 1e-24 but can be specified by the user.The model used in the optimization can be specified too between: "Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN", "Brent". The method by default and the recommended is BFGS


ei_gme(fn, datahp, datahs, w, tol, method, v = NULL)



is the formula that represents the dependent variable in the optimization. In the context of this function, 'fn' is used to define the dependent variable to be optimized by the entropy function.


The data where the variable of interest y is available and also the independent variables. Note: The variables and weights used as independent variables must have the same name in 'datahp' and in 'datahs' The variables in both databases need to match up in content.


The data with the information of the independent variables as a disaggregated level. Note: The variables and weights used as independent variables must be the same and must have the same name in 'datahp' and in 'datahs'


The weights to be used in this function.


The tolerance to be applied in the optimization function. If the tolerance is not specified, the default tolerance has been set in 1e-24


The method used in the function optim.This can be selected by the user between: "Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN", "Brent". The method by default and the recommended is BFGS


The support vector


To solve the optimization upper and lower bounds for p and w are settled, specifically, p and w must be above 0 and lower than 1. In addition, the initial values of p are settled as a uniform distribution and the errors (w) as 1/L.


The function will provide you a dataframe called table with the next information:

The restriction g3 can be checked thoroughly with the objects by separate.


Fernandez-Vazquez, E., Díaz-Dapena, A., Rubiera-Morollon, F., Viñuela, A., (2020) Spatial Disaggregation of Social Indicators: An Info-Metrics Approach. Social Indicators Research, 152(2), 809–821. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-020-02455-z.


#In this example we use the data of this package
datahp <- financial()
datahs <- social()
# Setting up our function for the dependent variable.
fn               <- datahp$poor_liq ~ Dcollege+Totalincome+Dunemp
#Applying the function ei_gme to our databases. In this case datahp
#is the data where we have our variable of interest datahs is the data
# where we have the information for the disaggregation.
#w can be included if we have weights in both surveys
#Tolerance in this example is fixed in 1e-20 and v will be (-1,0,1)
v=matrix(c(-1, 0, 1), nrow = 1)
result  <- ei_gme(fn=fn,datahp=datahp,datahs=datahs,w,tol=1e-20,method="BFGS",v=v)

[Package EIEntropy version Index]