eia_backfill {EIAapi} | R Documentation |
Pull a Large Number of Observations with a Sequential Query
This function allows users to overcome the API's observation limit per query by breaking down the query into smaller sequential sub-queries and appending back the results. The main use case of this function is for backfilling hourly series.
eia_backfill(start, end, offset, api_key, api_path, facets)
start |
defines the start time of the series, should use a POSIXt class for hourly series or Date format for non-hourly series (daily, monthly, etc.) |
end |
defines the end time of the series, should use a POSIXt class for hourly series or Date format for non-hourly series (daily, monthly, etc.) |
offset |
An integer, defines the number of observations limitation per query. In line with the API limitation of up to 5000 observations per query, the offset argument's upper limit is 5000 observations. |
api_key |
A string, EIA API key, see https://www.eia.gov/opendata/ for registration to the API service |
api_path |
A string, the API path to follow the API endpoint https://api.eia.gov/v2/. The path can be found on the EIA API dashboard, for more details see https://www.eia.gov/opendata/browser/ |
facets |
A list, optional, set the filtering argument (defined as 'facets' on the API header), following the structure of list(facet_name_1 = value_1, facet_name_2 = value_2) |
The function use start, end, and offset arguments to define a sequence of queries.
A time series
## Not run:
start <- as.POSIXlt("2018-06-19T00", tz = "UTC")
end <- lubridate::floor_date(Sys.time()- lubridate::days(2), unit = "day")
attr(end, "tzone") <- "UTC"
offset <- 2000
api_key <- Sys.getenv("eia_key")
api_path <- "electricity/rto/region-sub-ba-data/data/"
facets = list(parent = "NYIS",
subba = "ZONA")
df <- eia_backfill(start = start,
end = end,
offset = offset,
api_key = api_key,
api_path = api_path,
facets = facets)
at_y <- pretty(df$value)[c(2, 4, 6)]
at_x <- seq.POSIXt(from = start,
to = end,
by = "2 years")
plot(df$time, df$value,
col = "#1f77b4",
type = "l",
frame.plot = FALSE,
axes = FALSE,
panel.first = abline(h = at_y, col = "grey80"),
main = "NY Independent System Operator (West) - Hourly Generation of Electricity",
xlab = "Source: https://www.eia.gov/",
ylab = "MegaWatt/Hours")
mtext(side =1, text = format(at_x, format = "%Y"), at = at_x,
col = "grey20", line = 1, cex = 0.8)
mtext(side =2, text = format(at_y, scientific = FALSE), at = at_y,
col = "grey20", line = 1, cex = 0.8)
## End(Not run)