Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends Confidence Intervals

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Documentation for package ‘EGRETci’ version 2.0.4

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EGRETci-package EGRETci package for bootstrap hypothesis tests and confidence interval analysis for WRTDS (Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season) statistical models. This package is designed to be used in conjunction with the EGRET package, which estimates and describes WRTDS models.
blockSample blockSample
bootAnnual Single confidence interval bootstrap run
Choptank_caseSetUp Example eBoot
Choptank_CIAnnualResults Example eBoot
Choptank_dailyBootOut Example eBoot
Choptank_eBoot Example eBoot
Choptank_repAnnual Example eBoot
ciBands Confidence Interval Band Calculations
ciCalculations ciCalculations
genDailyBoot WRTDSKalman Bootstrapping
makeAnnualPI Make Annual Prediction Intervals
makeDailyPI Make Daily Prediction Intervals
makeMonthPI Make Monthly Prediction Intervals
monthSeqToDec monthSeqToDec
plotConcHistBoot Graph of annual concentration, flow normalized concentration, and confidence bands for flow normalized concentrations
plotFluxHistBoot Graph of annual flux, flow normalized flux, and confidence bands for flow normalized flux
plotHistogramTrend plotHistogramTrend
pVal pVal
runGroupsBoot The bootstrap uncertainty analysis for runGroups results
runPairsBoot The bootstrap uncertainty analysis for runPairs results
saveEGRETci Save EGRETci workspace after running wBT (the WRTDS bootstrap test)
setForBoot Allows user to set window parameters for the WRTDS model prior to running the bootstrap procedure
trendSetUp Interactive setup for running wBT, the WRTDS Bootstrap Test
wBT Run the WBT (WRTDS Bootstrap Test)