CPAI537 {EFAutilities} | R Documentation |
Composite Scores of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory (CPAI)
CPAI537 is part of a big survey study on martial satisfaction (Luo et al., 2008). The participants were 537 urban Chinese couples in the first year of their marriage. Included here are 28 composite scores of the CPAI (Cheung et al., 1996) for the 537 wives.
The format is a n by p matrix, where n is the number of participants (537) and p is the number of manifest variables (28).
The column names stand for the following variable names:
Nov - Novelty
Div - Diversity
Dit - Diverse thinking
LEA - Leadership
L_A - Logical orientation vs affective orientation
AES - Aesthetics
E_I - Extroversion-Introversion
ENT - Enterprise
RES - Responsibility
EMO - Emotionality
I_S - Inferiority vs. self-acceptance
PRA - Practical mindedness
O_P - Optimistic vs. pessimistic
MET - Meticulousness
FAC - Face
I_E - Internal control vs. external control
FAM - Family orientation
DEF - Defensiveness
G_M - Graciousness vs. meanness
INT - Interpersonal tolerance
S_S - Self orientation vs. social orientation
V_S - Veraciousness vs. slickness
T_M - Traditionalism vs. modernity
REN - Relationship orientation
SOC - Social sensitivity
DIS - Discipline
HAR - Harmony
T_E - Thrift vs. extravagance
Cheung, F. M., Leung, K., Fan, R., Song, W., Zhang, J., & Zhang, J. (1996). Development of the Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory (CPAI). Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 27 ,181-199.
Luo, S., Chen, H., Yue, G., Zhang, G., Zhaoyang, R., & Xu, D. (2008). Predicting marital satisfaction from self, partner, and couple characteristics: Is it me, you, or us? Journal of Personality, 76 ,1231-1266.