Read and Preprocess Fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrix (EEM) Data

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Documentation for package ‘EEM’ version 1.1.1

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EEM-package EEM: A package for reading and preprocessing fluorescence excitation-emission matrix
applejuice Apple juice
commonizeEEM Smooth out the different dimensions of EEM data
cutEEM Cut portions of EEM
cutEEM.EEM Cut portions of EEM
cutEEM.EEMweight Cut portions of EEM
delScattering Delete scattering rays
delScattering2 Delete scattering rays
drawEEM Draw contour for EEM data Draw contour for EEM data
drawEEM.EEM Draw contour for EEM data
drawEEM.EEMweight Draw contour for EEM data
drawEEM.matrix Draw contour for EEM data
drawEEM.numeric Draw contour for EEM data
drawEEMgg Draw contour for EEM data using ggplot2
drawEEMgg.EEM Draw contour for EEM data using ggplot2
drawEEMgg.EEMweight Draw contour for EEM data using ggplot2
drawEEMgg_internal Draw contour for EEM data using ggplot2
EEM EEM: A package for reading and preprocessing fluorescence excitation-emission matrix
EEM-misc Internal functions for EEM package
extract Extract values from other models
findLocalMax Find local maximum peaks
findLocalMax.EEM Find local maximum peaks
findLocalMax.matrix Find local maximum peaks
findLocalMax.numeric Find local maximum peaks
fold Fold EEM matrix into a list Fold EEM matrix into a list
fold.matrix Fold EEM matrix into a list
fold.numeric Fold EEM matrix into a list
generateColor Internal functions for EEM package
generatePoint Internal functions for EEM package
getEM Internal functions for EEM package
getEX Internal functions for EEM package
getLoading Extract values from other models
getReg Extract values from other models
gluten Gluten
normalize Normalize data
plotLoading Plot loadings for EEM data
plotReg Plot regression coefficients for EEM data
plotScore Plot score for prcomp result
plotScorem Plot score matrix for prcomp result based on group
prcompname Create name for prcomp result
print.EEM Print EEM
readEEM Read raw files and return a list
summary.EEM SummarizeEEM EEM list
unfold Unfold EEM list into a matrix
[.EEM Subset EEM list