Embedding Interactive Charts Generated with ECharts Library into Shiny Applications

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Documentation for package ‘ECharts2Shiny’ version 0.2.13

Help Pages

deliverChart Deliver the Chart in the UI Component of Shiny Applications
loadEChartsLibrary Load the Javascript Library File of ECharts to the Shiny Application
loadEChartsTheme Load the Theme File of ECharts to the Shiny Application
renderBarChart Render the Bar Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application
renderGauge Render the Gauge Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application
renderHeatMap Render Heat Map Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Applications
renderLineChart Render the Line Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application
renderPieChart Render the Pie Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application
renderRadarChart Render the Radar Chart Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application
renderScatter Render the Scatter Plots Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application
renderTreeMap Render Interactive Tree Map into Shiny Application
renderWordcloud Render the Word Cloud Plotted by ECharts into Shiny Application