EBglmnet {EBglmnet}R Documentation

Main Function for the EBglmnet Algorithms


EBglmnet is the main function to fit a generalized linear model via the empirical Bayesian methods with lasso and elastic net hierarchical priors. It features with p>>n capability, produces a sparse outcome for the regression coefficients, and performs significance test for nonzero effects in both linear and logistic regression models.


EBglmnet(x, y, family=c("gaussian","binomial"),prior= c("lassoNEG","lasso","elastic net"),
	hyperparameters, verbose = 0)



input matrix of dimension n x p; each row is an observation vector, and each column is a variable.


response variable. Continuous for family="gaussian", and binary for family="binomial". For binary response variable, y can be a Boolean or numeric vector, or factor type array.


model type taking values of "gaussian" (default) or "binomial".


prior distribution to be used. It takes values of "lassoNEG"(default), "lasso", and "elastic net". All priors will produce a sparse outcome of the regression coefficients; see Details for choosing priors.


the optimal hyperparameters in the prior distribution. Similar as λ\lambda in lasso method, the hyperparameters control the number of nonzero elements in the regression coefficients. Hyperparameters are most oftenly determined by CV. See cv.EBglmnet for the method in determining their values. While cv.EBglmnet already provides the model fitting results using the hyperparameters determined in CV, users can use this function to obtain the results under other parameter selection criteria such as Akaike information criterion (AIC) or Bayesian information criterion (BIC).


parameter that controls the level of message output from EBglment. It takes values from 0 to 5; larger verbose displays more messages. small values are recommended to avoid excessive outputs. Default value for verbose is minimum message output.


EBglmnet implements three set of hierarchical prior distributions for the regression parameters β\beta:

lasso prior:

βjN(0,σj2),\beta_j \sim N(0,\sigma_j^2),

σj2exp(λ),j=1,,p.\sigma_j^2 \sim exp(\lambda), j = 1, \dots, p.

lasso-NEG prior:

βjN(0,σj2),\beta_j \sim N(0,\sigma_j^2),

σj2exp(λ),\sigma_j^2 \sim exp(\lambda),

λgamma(a,b),j=1,,p.\lambda \sim gamma(a,b), j = 1, \dots, p.

elastic net prior:

βjN[0,(λ1+σj~2)2],\beta_j \sim N[0,(\lambda_1 + \tilde{\sigma_j}^{-2})^{-2}],

σj~2generalizedgamma(λ1,λ2),j=1,,p.\tilde{\sigma_j}^{2} \sim generalized-gamma(\lambda_1, \lambda_2), j = 1, \dots,p.

The prior distributions are peak zero and flat tail probability distributions that assign a high prior probability mass to zero and still allow heavy probability on the two tails, which reflect the prior belief that a sparse solution exists: most of the variables will have no effects on the response variable, and only some of the variables will have non-zero effects in contributing the outcome in y.

The three priors all contains hyperparameters that control how heavy the tail probability is, and different values of them will yield different number of non-zero effects retained in the model. Appropriate selection of their values is required for obtaining optimal results, and CV is the most oftenly used method. See cv.EBglmnet for details for determining the optimal hyperparameters in each priors under different GLM families.

lassoNEG prior
"lassoNEG" prior has two hyperparameters (a,b), with a1a \ge -1 and b>0. Although a is allowed to be greater than -1.5, it is not encouraged to choose values in (-1.5, -1) unless the signal-to-noise ratio in the explanatory variables are very small.

lasso prior
"lasso" prior has one hyperparameter λ\lambda, with λ0\lambda \ge 0. λ\lambda is similar as the shrinkage parameter in lasso except that even for p>>n, λ\lambda is allowed to be zero, and EBlasso can still provide a sparse solution thanks to the implicit constraint that σ20\sigma^2 \ge 0.

elastic net prior
Similar as the elastic net in package glmnet, EBglmnet transforms the two hyperparameters λ1\lambda_1 and λ2\lambda_2 in the "elastic net" prior in terms of other two parameters α(0α1)\alpha (0\le \alpha \le 1) and λ(λ>0)\lambda (\lambda >0). Therefore, users are asked to specify hyperparameters=c(α,λ\alpha, \lambda).



the model fit using the hyperparameters provided. EBglmnet selects the variables having nonzero regression coefficients and estimates their posterior distributions. With the posterior mean and variance, a t-test is performed and the p-value is calculated. Result in fit is a matrix with rows corresponding to the variables having nonzero effects, and columns having the following values:

column1: (predictor index in X) denoting the column number in the input matrix x.

column2: beta. It is the posterior mean of the nonzero regression coefficients.

column3: posterior variance. It is the diagonal element of the posterior covariance matrix among the nonzero regression coefficients.

column4: t-value calculated using column 3-4.

column5: p-value from t-test.


the Wald Score for the posterior distribution. It is computed as βTΣ1β\beta^T\Sigma^{-1}\beta. See (Huang A, 2014b) for using Wald Score to identify significant effect set.


the intercept in the linear regression model. This parameter is not shrunk.

residual variance

the residual variance if the Gaussian family is assumed in the GLM


the log Likelihood if the Binomial family is assumed in the GLM


the hyperparameter used to fit the model


the GLM family specified in this function call


the prior used in this function call


the call that produced this object


number of observations


Anhui Huang and Dianting Liu


Cai, X., Huang, A., and Xu, S. (2011). Fast empirical Bayesian LASSO for multiple quantitative trait locus mapping. BMC Bioinformatics 12, 211.

Huang A, Xu S, Cai X. (2013). Empirical Bayesian LASSO-logistic regression for multiple binary trait locus mapping. BMC genetics 14(1):5.

Huang, A., Xu, S., and Cai, X. (2014a). Empirical Bayesian elastic net for multiple quantitative trait locus mapping. Heredity 10.1038/hdy.2014.79


rm(list = ls())
#Use R built-in data set state.x77
y= state.x77[,"Life Exp"]
xNames = c("Population","Income","Illiteracy", "Murder","HS Grad","Frost","Area")
x = state.x77[,xNames]
#Gaussian Model
#lassoNEG prior as default
out = EBglmnet(x,y,hyperparameters=c(0.5,0.5))
#lasso prior
out = EBglmnet(x,y,prior= "lasso",hyperparameters=0.5)
#elastic net prior
out = EBglmnet(x,y,prior= "elastic net",hyperparameters=c(0.5,0.5))
#residual variance
#Binomial Model
#create a binary response variable
yy = y>mean(y);
out = EBglmnet(x,yy,family="binomial",hyperparameters=c(0.5,0.5))

[Package EBglmnet version 6.0 Index]