MHLS {EAinference}R Documentation

Metropolis-Hastings lasso sampler under a fixed active set.


Metropolis-Hastings sampler to simulate from the sampling distribution of lasso given a fixed active set.


MHLS(X, PE, sig2, lbd, weights = rep(1, ncol(X)), B0, S0, A = which(B0 !=
  0), tau = rep(1, ncol(X)), niter = 2000, burnin = 0, PEtype = "coeff", = 1, verbose = FALSE, ...)



predictor matrix.

PE, sig2, lbd

parameters of target distribution. (point estimate of beta or E(y) depends on PEtype, variance estimate of error and lambda).


weight vector with length p(the number of covariates). Default is weights = rep(1, p).


numeric vector with length p. Initial value of lasso estimator.


numeric vector with length p. Initial value of subgradients. If not given, this will be generated in a default way.


numeric vector. Active coefficient index. Every active coefficient index in B0 must be included. Default is A = which(B0 != 0).


numeric vector with length p. Standard deviation of proposal distribution for each coefficient.


integer. The number of iterations. Default is niter = 2000


integer. The length of burin-in periods. Default is burnin = 0


Type of PE which is needed to characterize the target distribution. Users can choose either "coeff" or "mu".

integer. Update subgradients every iterations. Set this value larger than niter if one wants to skip updating subgradients.


logical. If true, print out the progress step.


complementary arguments.

  • FlipSA : optional parameter. This has to be a subset of active set, A. If the index is not listed in FlipSA, the sign of coefficients which correspond to the listed index will remain fixed. The default is FlipSA=A

  • SFindex : optional parameter. subgradient index for the free coordinate.

  • randomSFindex : logical. If true, resample SFindex every iterations.

  • : integer. In every iterations, randomize SFindex.


Given appropriate initial value, provides Metropolis-Hastings samples under the fixed active set.
From the initial values, B0 and S0, MHLS draws beta and subgrad samples. In every iteration, given t-th iteration values, t-th beta and t-th subgrad, a new set of proposed beta and subgradient is sampled. We either accept the proposed sample and use that as (t+1)-th iteration values or reuse t-th iteration values.
See Zhou(2014) for more details.


MHLS returns an object of class "MHLS". The functions summary.MHLS and plot.MHLS provide a brief summary and generate plots.


lasso samples.


subgradient samples.


numbers of acceptance and proposal.

niter, burnin, PE, type

same as function arguments.


Zhou, Q. (2014), "Monte Carlo simulation for Lasso-type problems by estimator augmentation," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109, 1495-1516.


# Low dim
n <- 10
p <- 5
X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n)
Y <- X %*% rep(1, p) + rnorm(n)
sigma2 <- 1
lbd <- .37
weights <- rep(1, p)
LassoResult <- lassoFit(X = X, Y = Y, lbd = lbd, type = "lasso", weights = weights)
B0 <- LassoResult$B0
S0 <- LassoResult$S0
MHLS(X = X, PE = rep(0, p), sig2 = 1, lbd = 1,
     weights = weights, B0 = B0, S0 = S0, niter = 50, burnin = 0,
     PEtype = "coeff")
MHLS(X = X, PE = rep(0, n), sig2 = 1, lbd = 1,
     weights = weights, B0 = B0, S0 = S0, niter = 50, burnin = 0,
     PEtype = "mu")

# High dim
n <- 5
p <- 10
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n)
Y <- X %*% rep(1,p) + rnorm(n)
weights <- rep(1,p)
LassoResult <- lassoFit(X = X,Y = Y,lbd = lbd, type = "lasso", weights = weights)
B0 <- LassoResult$B0
S0 <- LassoResult$S0
MHLS(X = X, PE = rep(0, p), sig2 = 1, lbd = 1,
     weights = weights, B0 = B0, S0 = S0, niter = 50, burnin = 0,
     PEtype = "coeff")
MHLS(X = X, PE = rep(0, n), sig2 = 1, lbd = 1,
     weights = weights, B0 = B0, S0 = S0, niter = 50, burnin = 0,
     PEtype = "mu")

[Package EAinference version 0.2.3 Index]