Exponentially Weighted Moving Average with Adjustments to Measurement Error

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Documentation for package ‘EATME’ version 0.1.0

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cont_to_disc_M Convert data to M statistic
cont_to_disc_V Convert data to V statistic
ewma EWMA chart statistics of the data
EWMA_p_chart_one_LCL A one-sided lower EWMA-p control chart
EWMA_p_chart_one_UCL A one-sided upper EWMA-p control chart
EWMA_p_chart_two A two-sided EWMA-p control chart
EWMA_p_one_LCL The one-sided lower control limit of an EWMA-p chart
EWMA_p_one_UCL The one-sided upper control limit of an EWMA-p chart
EWMA_p_two The two-sided control limits of an EWMA-p chart
ME_data_generate Generate the discrete random variable with measurement error