getTree {DynForest}R Documentation

Extract some information about the split for a tree by user


Extract some information about the split for a tree by user


getTree(DynForest_obj, tree)



DynForest object containing the dynamic random forest used on train data


Integer indicating the tree identifier


A table sorted by the node/leaf identifier with each row representing a node/leaf. Each column provides information about the splits:

type The nature of the predictor (Longitudinal for longitudinal predictor, Numeric for continuous predictor or Factor for categorical predictor) if the node was split, Leaf otherwise
var_split The predictor used for the split defined by its order in timeData and fixedData
feature The feature used for the split defined by its position in random statistic
threshold The threshold used for the split (only with Longitudinal and Numeric). No information is returned for Factor
N The number of subjects in the node/leaf
Nevent The number of events of interest in the node/leaf (only with survival outcome)
depth the depth level of the node/leaf

See Also

DynForest summary.DynForest



# Get Gaussian distribution for longitudinal predictors
pbc2$serBilir <- log(pbc2$serBilir)
pbc2$SGOT <- log(pbc2$SGOT)
pbc2$albumin <- log(pbc2$albumin)
pbc2$alkaline <- log(pbc2$alkaline)

# Sample 100 subjects
id <- unique(pbc2$id)
id_sample <- sample(id, 100)
id_row <- which(pbc2$id%in%id_sample)

pbc2_train <- pbc2[id_row,]

timeData_train <- pbc2_train[,c("id","time",

# Create object with longitudinal association for each predictor
timeVarModel <- list(serBilir = list(fixed = serBilir ~ time,
                                     random = ~ time),
                     SGOT = list(fixed = SGOT ~ time + I(time^2),
                                 random = ~ time + I(time^2)),
                     albumin = list(fixed = albumin ~ time,
                                    random = ~ time),
                     alkaline = list(fixed = alkaline ~ time,
                                     random = ~ time))

# Build fixed data
fixedData_train <- unique(pbc2_train[,c("id","age","drug","sex")])

# Build outcome data
Y <- list(type = "surv",
          Y = unique(pbc2_train[,c("id","years","event")]))

# Run DynForest function
res_dyn <- DynForest(timeData = timeData_train, fixedData = fixedData_train,
                     timeVar = "time", idVar = "id",
                     timeVarModel = timeVarModel, Y = Y,
                     ntree = 50, nodesize = 5, minsplit = 5,
                     cause = 2, ncores = 2, seed = 1234)

# Extract split information from tree 4
res_tree4 <- getTree(DynForest_obj = res_dyn, tree = 4)

[Package DynForest version 1.1.3 Index]