pheno_phase_prediction {DyMEP} | R Documentation |
function to predict the a phenological phase in winter wheat
predict one or all phenological phases
output_type = "dates",
external_params_path = NULL
phase_covariate_list |
list like: list("sowing-emergence" = c("tas","VPD","SPI"), "emergence-jointing" = c("tas")) indicating per phenological phase the covariates to use. List of of phenological phases must be consecutive! |
environmental_data |
data.frame with the necessary environmental data, one column must be "DATE" (as.Date format), the others with the names of the environmental covariates (e.g. tas, tasmin etc.) |
phase_starting_date |
starting date of the first phase which will be predicted (object of class "Date" (use as.Date())) |
crop_abbrev |
abbreviation of the crop to be modeled (valid crop_abbrevs can be found with available_crops_and_phases()) |
output_type |
either "dates" or "detailed_information"; defines what output of the model they user wants to have as return, default is set to "dates". If a user wants to get the response parameters, curves, predictions and model thresholds, it should be chosen "detailed_information" output = "dates" will return a dataframe with the stages and according dates output = "detailed_information" will return a list with the dates, but also the corresponding dose response parameters and predictions |
external_params_path |
path where additional crop parameters should be stored if not possible to download in to the regular R repository. The default is NULL, which will use the regular R repository as path |
returns the end-date of each phase
either return an object of class 'DyMEP', if detailed_information is selected as output_type, from a dataframe containing phenology data, or
pheno_phase_prediction(phase_covariate_list = list(
"sowing-emergence" = c("tasmin","VPD","SPI","tasmax","tas","RH",
"emergence-jointing"= c("tasmin","VPD","SPI","tasmax","tas","RH",
"jointing-heading" = c("tasmin","VPD","SPI","tasmax","tas","RH",
environmental_data <- data.frame("DATE" = seq.Date(
from = as.Date("2021-01-01"), to = as.Date("2023-12-31"),by=1),
"VPD" = runif(1095,min=0,max=40),
"SPI"= runif(1095,min=-1,max=4),
"global_radiation"= runif(1095,min=0,max=3500)),
phase_starting_date =as.Date("2021-01-01"),
crop_abbrev = "WW")