chisqFit {DstarM}R Documentation

Calculate model fit


Calculate model fit


chisqFit(resObserved, data, DstarM = FALSE, tt = NULL, formula = NULL)



either output from estObserved or a matrix containing custom densities to calculate the fitness for.


A dataframe containing data.


Logical. Should the DstarM fit measure be calculated or the traditional fit measure?


time grid custom densities where calculated on. Should only be supplied if resOberved is a matrix containing custom densities


Optional formula argument, for when columns names in the data are different from those used to obtain the results.


This function allows a user to manually calculate a chi-square goodness of fit measure for model densities. This is useful for comparing a traditional analysis and a D*M analysis. For completion, this function can also calculate a D*M fit measure. We do not recommend usage of the D*M measure. While the chi-square fit measure is identical to the value of the optimizer when fitting, the DstarM fit measure is not equal to that of a DstarM analysis. This is because this function calculates the DstarM fit measure on the complete distribution, not on the model distributions, as is done during the optimization.


tt = seq(0, 5, .1)
pars = c(.8, 2, .5, .5, .5, # condition 1
         .8, 3, .5, .5, .5,  # condition 2
         .8, 4, .5, .5, .5)  # condition 3
pdfND = dbeta(tt, 10, 30)

# simulate data
allDat = simData(n = 3e3, pars = pars, tt = tt, pdfND = pdfND, return.pdf = TRUE)
truePdf = allDat$pdfUnnormalized
dat = allDat$dat
chisqFit(resObserved = truePdf, data = dat, tt = tt)
## Not run: 
# estimate it
define restriction matrix
restr = matrix(1:5, 5, 3)
restr[2, 2:3] = 6:7 # allow drift rates to differ
# fix parameters for speed up
fixed = matrix(c('z1', 'a1 / 2', 'sz1', .5, 'sv1', .5), 2, 3)
resD = estDstarM(data = dat, tt = tt, restr = restr, fixed = fixed,
                 Optim = list(parallelType = 1))
resN = estND(resD, Optim = list(parallelType = 1))

resO = estObserved(resD, resN, data = dat)
resO$fit # proper fit

## End(Not run)

[Package DstarM version 0.4.0 Index]