checkDaysSupply |
Check if Days_supply is the same as datediff(drug_exp_start_date,drug_exp_end_date) |
checkDbType |
Check the database type. |
checkDrugDose |
Get a summary of the daily drug dose |
checkDrugSig |
Check the drug sig field; this is the verbatim instruction for the drug as written by the provider. |
checkIngredientInTable |
Check ingredient is present in given table |
checkIsIngredient |
Check is an ingredient |
checkLogical |
Check if given object is a boolean. |
checkSampleMinCellCount |
Check that the sample is bigger than the mincellcount |
checkTableExists |
Check if given table exists in cdm. |
checkVerbatimEndDate |
Check the verbatim_end_date field |
computeDBQuery |
Store the given input in a remote database table. It will be stored either in a permanent table or a temporary table depending on tablePrefix. |
executeChecks |
Execute given checks on Drug Exposure. |
executeChecksSingleIngredient |
Execute given checks on Drug Exposure for a single ingredient. |
getDrugMissings |
Check missings in drug exposure records |
getDrugRecords |
Drug exposure records for ingredients of interest |
getDrugRoutes |
Get drug exposure route types |
getDrugSourceConcepts |
Check drug exposure source types |
getDrugStrength |
Drug strength records for ingredients of interest |
getDrugTypes |
Get drug exposure record types |
getDuration |
Compute the difference in days between 2 variables in a database table. |
ingredientDescendantsInDb |
Get the descendants for the given ingredients |
mockDrugExposure |
Mock Drug exposure tables for ingredients of interest |
obscureCounts |
Obscure the small number of counts |
printDurationAndMessage |
Print duration from start to now and print it as well as new status message |
summariseChecks |
Create a summary about the diagnostics results |
summariseDrugExposureDuration |
Summarise drug exposure record durations |
summariseQuantity |
Summarise the quantity column of the drug_exposure table |
writeResultToDisk |
Write diagnostics results to a zip file on disk in given output folder. |