Diagnostics for OMOP Common Data Model Drug Records

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Documentation for package ‘DrugExposureDiagnostics’ version 1.0.4

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checkDaysSupply Check if Days_supply is the same as datediff(drug_exp_start_date,drug_exp_end_date)
checkDbType Check the database type.
checkDrugDose Get a summary of the daily drug dose
checkDrugSig Check the drug sig field; this is the verbatim instruction for the drug as written by the provider.
checkIsIngredient Check is an ingredient
checkLogical Check if given object is a boolean.
checkSampleMinCellCount Check that the sample is bigger than the mincellcount
checkTableExists Check if given table exists in cdm.
checkVerbatimEndDate Check the verbatim_end_date field
computeDBQuery Store the given input in a remote database table. It will be stored either in a permanent table or a temporary table depending on tablePrefix.
createHistogram create a histogram for one of days_supply, duration, quantity
dataFrame2Hist Load an object of class histogram from a data.frame
executeChecks Execute given checks on Drug Exposure.
executeChecksSingleIngredient Execute given checks on Drug Exposure for a single ingredient.
getDrugMissings Check missings in drug exposure records
getDrugRecords Drug exposure records for ingredients of interest
getDrugRoutes Get drug exposure route types
getDrugSourceConcepts Check drug exposure source types
getDrugStrength Drug strength records for ingredients of interest
getDrugTypes Get drug exposure record types
getDuration Compute the difference in days between 2 variables in a database table.
getEunomiaCdm Get an eunomia CDM reference for given ingredient
hist2DataFrame Save an object of class histogram to a data.frame
ingredientDescendantsInDb Get the descendants for the given ingredients
mockDrugExposure Mock Drug exposure tables for ingredients of interest
obscureCounts Obscure the small number of counts
printDurationAndMessage Print duration from start to now and print it as well as new status message
summariseChecks Create a summary about the diagnostics results
summariseDrugExposureDuration Summarise drug exposure record durations
summariseQuantity Summarise the quantity column of the drug_exposure table
writeResultToDisk Write diagnostics results to a zip file on disk in given output folder.