Analysis of Dramatic Texts

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Documentation for package ‘DramaAnalysis’ version 3.0.2

Help Pages

as.matrix.QDConfiguration Character Configuration
as.matrix.QDDictionaryStatistics Dictionary Use
barplot.QDCharacterStatistics Stacked Bar Plot
base_dictionary Base dictionary
characterNames Format Names
characterStatistics Basic Character Statistics
combine Combine multiple plays
configuration Character Configuration
correlationAnalysis Correlation analysis
data Data sets
dictionaryStatistics Dictionary Use
dictionaryStatisticsSingle Dictionary Use
dramaNames Format drama titles
ensureSuffix Utility functions
filterByDictionary Word frequencies
filterCharacters Filter characters
frequencytable Word frequencies
hamming Measuring Personnel Exchange over Boundaries
installCollectionData Download and install collection data
installData Download preprocessed drama data
isolateCharacterSpeech Isolate Character Speech
keyness Keywords
loadAllInstalledIds Installed texts
loadCharacters Character data loading
loadDrama Load drama
loadDramaTEI Load drama
loadFields Dictionary Handling
loadMeta Load meta data
loadSet Load Collections
loadSets Load Collections
loadText Load Text
mapPrefix Replace corpus prefix
newCollection Create or Extend a Collection
numberOfPlays Number of plays
personnelExchange Measuring Personnel Exchange over Boundaries
plot.QDHamming Personnel Exchange
plot.QDUtteranceStatistics Utterance positions
plotSpiderWebs Spider-Webs
postags Provides lists of groups of pos tags for various word classes.
presence Active and Passive Presence
qd.colors QuaDramA colors
report Report
rjmw.0 Data sets
rksp.0 Data sets
scenicDifference Measuring Personnel Exchange over Boundaries
segment Segment
setCollectionDirectory This function initializes the paths to data files.
setDataDirectory This function initializes the paths to data files.
setDirectories This function initializes the paths to data files.
split.QDDrama Split multiple plays
tfidf TF-IDF
utteranceStatistics Utterance Statistics