Differential Exon Usage Test for RNA-Seq Data via Empirical Bayes Shrinkage of the Dispersion Parameter

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Documentation for package ‘DoubleExpSeq’ version 1.1

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DoubleExpSeq-package DoubleExpSeq is a package with application to RNA-Seq experiments that tests for differential exon usage.
counts Exon Inclusion Counts
DB.MAPlot Plots Log-Fold Change versus Log-Concentration for Inclusion/Exclusion Data
DBGLM1 Double Binomial Generalized Linear Model with Shrinkage of the Dispersion Parameter
DoubleExpSeq DoubleExpSeq is a package with application to RNA-Seq experiments that tests for differential exon usage.
EstimateDEBDisp DEB-Seq: Empirical Bayes Estimates of Dispersion for a Double Binomial Distribution
EstimateWEBDisp WEB-Seq: Weighted Likelihood Empirical Bayes Estimates of Dispersion for a Double Binomial Distribution
exon Toy Exon Inclusion and Total Counts Used for Examples
groups Group Structure of the Toy Data Set
offsets Exon Total Counts
optimPlot Plot the WEB-Seq Maximum Likelihood Solution for the Weight Parameter in the Weighted Likelihood