cleanupDockerCluster | Cleanup the resources after the cluster has been stopped |
cleanupDockerCluster-method | Create a Dummy provider for testing the container |
cleanupDockerCluster-method | Cleanup the resources after the cluster has been stopped |
CloudConfig-class | The cloud configuration |
CloudPrivateServer | Define the data object for a cloud private server |
CloudProvider-class | The root class of the cloud provider |
CloudRuntime-class | The cloud runtime |
ClusterMethodGetter-class | An utility class |
clusterPreset | Set the default cloud provider and container |
configServerContainerEnv | Configurate the server container environment |
configServerContainerEnv-method | Configurate the server container environment |
configWorkerContainerEnv | Configurate the worker container environment |
configWorkerContainerEnv-method | Configurate the worker container environment |
deregisterParallelBackend | Register/deregister the parallel backend |
deregisterParallelBackend-method | Register/deregister the parallel backend |
DockerCluster-class | The docker cluster class |
DockerCluster-common-parameters | Common 'DockerCluster' parameter |
dockerClusterExists | Whether the cluster is running on the cloud? |
dockerClusterExists-method | Create a Dummy provider for testing the container |
dockerClusterExists-method | Whether the cluster is running on the cloud? |
DockerContainer-class | The root class of the container |
DockerHardware | Make a DockerHardware object |
DockerHardware-class | The hardware for running the docker |
DummyProvider | Create a Dummy provider for testing the container |
DummyServerContainer | A dummy container |
DummyWorkerContainer | A dummy container |
generalDockerClusterTest | The general testthat function for testing the cluster |
generics-commonParams | commom params |
getDockerServerIp | Get the server IP and port |
getDockerServerIp-method | Create a Dummy provider for testing the container |
getDockerStaticData | get/set docker cluster static data |
getDockerStaticData-method | get/set docker cluster static data |
getDockerWorkerNumbers | Get the worker number on the cloud |
getDockerWorkerNumbers-method | Create a Dummy provider for testing the container |
getDockerWorkerNumbers-method | Get the worker number on the cloud |
getExportedNames | Get the exported method and variable from the provider or container |
getExportedNames-method | Get the exported method and variable from the provider or container |
getExportedObject | Get the exported method and variable from the provider or container |
getExportedObject-method | Get the exported method and variable from the provider or container |
getServerContainer | Get the server container from the worker container |
getServerContainer-method | Get the server container from the worker container |
getServerStatus | Get the server status |
getServerStatus-method | Create a Dummy provider for testing the container |
getSSHPubKeyPath | Get the path to the public ssh key |
getSSHPubKeyValue | Get the public ssh key |
initializeCloudProvider | Initialize the service provider |
initializeCloudProvider-method | Create a Dummy provider for testing the container |
initializeCloudProvider-method | Initialize the service provider |
makeDockerCluster | Create a docker cluster |
names-method | Get the exported object names |
names-method | Show the exported object names |
reconnectDockerCluster | Reconnect to the cluster |
reconnectDockerCluster-method | Create a Dummy provider for testing the container |
reconnectDockerCluster-method | Reconnect to the cluster |
registerParallelBackend | Register/deregister the parallel backend |
registerParallelBackend-method | Register/deregister the parallel backend |
resetDummyProvider | reset the dummy provider |
runDockerServer | Run or stop the server container |
runDockerServer-method | Create a Dummy provider for testing the container |
setDockerStaticData | get/set docker cluster static data |
setDockerStaticData-method | get/set docker cluster static data |
setDockerWorkerNumber | Set the worker number on the cloud. There is no default method for this generic. |
setDockerWorkerNumber-method | Create a Dummy provider for testing the container |
setSSHPubKeyPath | Set the ssh key file |
show-method | Print the CloudConfig |
show-method | Print the cloudRuntime |
show-method | print method |
show-method | Print the DockerCluster object |
show-method | Show the docker container |
show-method | Print the docker hardware |
stopDockerServer | Run or stop the server container |
stopDockerServer-method | Create a Dummy provider for testing the container |
$-method | Get the exported object by the name |
$-method | Get the exported object |
$<--method | Set the value of the exported object |
.CloudConfig | The cloud configuration |
.CloudProvider | The root class of the cloud provider |
.CloudRuntime | The cloud runtime |
.ClusterMethodGetter | An utility class |
.DockerCluster | The docker cluster class |
.DockerContainer | The root class of the container |
.DockerHardware | The hardware for running the docker |
.getCloudConfig | Accessor functions |
.getCloudProvider | Accessor functions |
.getCloudRuntime | Accessor functions |
.getClusterSettings | Accessor functions |
.getExpectedWorkerNumber | Accessor functions |
.getInitializingWorkerNumber | Accessor functions |
.getJobQueueName | Accessor functions |
.getRunningWorkerNumber | Accessor functions |
.getServerClientSameLAN | Accessor functions |
.getServerContainer | Accessor functions |
.getServerFromOtherSource | Accessor functions |
.getServerHardware | Accessor functions |
.getServerPassword | Accessor functions |
.getServerPort | Accessor functions |
.getServerPrivateIp | Accessor functions |
.getServerPrivatePort | Accessor functions |
.getServerPublicIp | Accessor functions |
.getServerPublicPort | Accessor functions |
.getServerWorkerSameLAN | Accessor functions |
.getStopClusterOnExit | Accessor functions |
.getVerbose | Accessor functions |
.getWorkerContainer | Accessor functions |
.getWorkerHardware | Accessor functions |
.setCloudConfig | Accessor functions |
.setCloudProvider | Accessor functions |
.setCloudRuntime | Accessor functions |
.setClusterSettings | Accessor functions |
.setExpectedWorkerNumber | Accessor functions |
.setInitializingWorkerNumber | Accessor functions |
.setJobQueueName | Accessor functions |
.setRunningWorkerNumber | Accessor functions |
.setServerClientSameLAN | Accessor functions |
.setServerContainer | Accessor functions |
.setServerFromOtherSource | Accessor functions |
.setServerHardware | Accessor functions |
.setServerPassword | Accessor functions |
.setServerPort | Accessor functions |
.setServerPrivateIp | Accessor functions |
.setServerPrivatePort | Accessor functions |
.setServerPublicIp | Accessor functions |
.setServerPublicPort | Accessor functions |
.setServerWorkerSameLAN | Accessor functions |
.setStopClusterOnExit | Accessor functions |
.setVerbose | Accessor functions |
.setWorkerContainer | Accessor functions |
.setWorkerHardware | Accessor functions |