Using the Docker Container to Create R Workers on Local or Cloud Platform

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Documentation for package ‘DockerParallel’ version 1.0.4

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C D G I M N R S misc

-- C --

cleanupDockerCluster Cleanup the resources after the cluster has been stopped
cleanupDockerCluster-method Create a Dummy provider for testing the container
cleanupDockerCluster-method Cleanup the resources after the cluster has been stopped
CloudConfig-class The cloud configuration
CloudPrivateServer Define the data object for a cloud private server
CloudProvider-class The root class of the cloud provider
CloudRuntime-class The cloud runtime
ClusterMethodGetter-class An utility class
clusterPreset Set the default cloud provider and container
configServerContainerEnv Configurate the server container environment
configServerContainerEnv-method Configurate the server container environment
configWorkerContainerEnv Configurate the worker container environment
configWorkerContainerEnv-method Configurate the worker container environment

-- D --

deregisterParallelBackend Register/deregister the parallel backend
deregisterParallelBackend-method Register/deregister the parallel backend
DockerCluster-class The docker cluster class
DockerCluster-common-parameters Common 'DockerCluster' parameter
dockerClusterExists Whether the cluster is running on the cloud?
dockerClusterExists-method Create a Dummy provider for testing the container
dockerClusterExists-method Whether the cluster is running on the cloud?
DockerContainer-class The root class of the container
DockerHardware Make a DockerHardware object
DockerHardware-class The hardware for running the docker
DummyProvider Create a Dummy provider for testing the container
DummyServerContainer A dummy container
DummyWorkerContainer A dummy container

-- G --

generalDockerClusterTest The general testthat function for testing the cluster
generics-commonParams commom params
getDockerServerIp Get the server IP and port
getDockerServerIp-method Create a Dummy provider for testing the container
getDockerStaticData get/set docker cluster static data
getDockerStaticData-method get/set docker cluster static data
getDockerWorkerNumbers Get the worker number on the cloud
getDockerWorkerNumbers-method Create a Dummy provider for testing the container
getDockerWorkerNumbers-method Get the worker number on the cloud
getExportedNames Get the exported method and variable from the provider or container
getExportedNames-method Get the exported method and variable from the provider or container
getExportedObject Get the exported method and variable from the provider or container
getExportedObject-method Get the exported method and variable from the provider or container
getServerContainer Get the server container from the worker container
getServerContainer-method Get the server container from the worker container
getServerStatus Get the server status
getServerStatus-method Create a Dummy provider for testing the container
getSSHPubKeyPath Get the path to the public ssh key
getSSHPubKeyValue Get the public ssh key

-- I --

initializeCloudProvider Initialize the service provider
initializeCloudProvider-method Create a Dummy provider for testing the container
initializeCloudProvider-method Initialize the service provider

-- M --

makeDockerCluster Create a docker cluster

-- N --

names-method Get the exported object names
names-method Show the exported object names

-- R --

reconnectDockerCluster Reconnect to the cluster
reconnectDockerCluster-method Create a Dummy provider for testing the container
reconnectDockerCluster-method Reconnect to the cluster
registerParallelBackend Register/deregister the parallel backend
registerParallelBackend-method Register/deregister the parallel backend
resetDummyProvider reset the dummy provider
runDockerServer Run or stop the server container
runDockerServer-method Create a Dummy provider for testing the container

-- S --

setDockerStaticData get/set docker cluster static data
setDockerStaticData-method get/set docker cluster static data
setDockerWorkerNumber Set the worker number on the cloud. There is no default method for this generic.
setDockerWorkerNumber-method Create a Dummy provider for testing the container
setSSHPubKeyPath Set the ssh key file
show-method Print the CloudConfig
show-method Print the cloudRuntime
show-method print method
show-method Print the DockerCluster object
show-method Show the docker container
show-method Print the docker hardware
stopDockerServer Run or stop the server container
stopDockerServer-method Create a Dummy provider for testing the container

-- misc --

$-method Get the exported object by the name
$-method Get the exported object
$<--method Set the value of the exported object
.CloudConfig The cloud configuration
.CloudProvider The root class of the cloud provider
.CloudRuntime The cloud runtime
.ClusterMethodGetter An utility class
.DockerCluster The docker cluster class
.DockerContainer The root class of the container
.DockerHardware The hardware for running the docker
.getCloudConfig Accessor functions
.getCloudProvider Accessor functions
.getCloudRuntime Accessor functions
.getClusterSettings Accessor functions
.getExpectedWorkerNumber Accessor functions
.getInitializingWorkerNumber Accessor functions
.getJobQueueName Accessor functions
.getRunningWorkerNumber Accessor functions
.getServerClientSameLAN Accessor functions
.getServerContainer Accessor functions
.getServerFromOtherSource Accessor functions
.getServerHardware Accessor functions
.getServerPassword Accessor functions
.getServerPort Accessor functions
.getServerPrivateIp Accessor functions
.getServerPrivatePort Accessor functions
.getServerPublicIp Accessor functions
.getServerPublicPort Accessor functions
.getServerWorkerSameLAN Accessor functions
.getStopClusterOnExit Accessor functions
.getVerbose Accessor functions
.getWorkerContainer Accessor functions
.getWorkerHardware Accessor functions
.setCloudConfig Accessor functions
.setCloudProvider Accessor functions
.setCloudRuntime Accessor functions
.setClusterSettings Accessor functions
.setExpectedWorkerNumber Accessor functions
.setInitializingWorkerNumber Accessor functions
.setJobQueueName Accessor functions
.setRunningWorkerNumber Accessor functions
.setServerClientSameLAN Accessor functions
.setServerContainer Accessor functions
.setServerFromOtherSource Accessor functions
.setServerHardware Accessor functions
.setServerPassword Accessor functions
.setServerPort Accessor functions
.setServerPrivateIp Accessor functions
.setServerPrivatePort Accessor functions
.setServerPublicIp Accessor functions
.setServerPublicPort Accessor functions
.setServerWorkerSameLAN Accessor functions
.setStopClusterOnExit Accessor functions
.setVerbose Accessor functions
.setWorkerContainer Accessor functions
.setWorkerHardware Accessor functions