Full Factorials, Orthogonal Arrays and Base Utilities for DoE Packages

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Documentation for package ‘DoE.base’ version 1.2-4

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A B C D E F G H I L M N O P Q R S T U V Y misc

DoE.base-package Full factorials, orthogonal arrays and base utilities for DoE packages

-- A --

add.response Function to add response values to an experimental design
aggregate.design Methods for class design objects
aov lm and aov methods for class design objects
aov.default lm and aov methods for class design objects
aov.design lm and aov methods for class design objects

-- B --

block.catlg Catalogues for blocking full factorial 2-level and 3-level designs, and lists of generating columns for regular 2- and 3-level designs.
block.catlg3 Catalogues for blocking full factorial 2-level and 3-level designs, and lists of generating columns for regular 2- and 3-level designs.

-- C --

change.contr Function to switch between qualitative and quantitative factors and different contrast settings
class-design-methods Methods for class design objects
CME.EM08 Creation of half normal effects plots and numeric methods for significance assessment
CME.LW98 Creation of half normal effects plots and numeric methods for significance assessment
coef.lm.design lm and aov methods for class design objects
col.remove Class design and its accessor functions
contr.FrF2 Contrasts for orthogonal Fractional Factorial 2-level designs
contr.XuWu Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
contr.XuWuPoly Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
corrPlot Function to Visualize Correlations Between Model Matrix Columns for an Experimental Design
cross.design Function to cross several designs

-- D --

data2design Convert matrix, data frame or object of class planordesign to object of class design
design Class design and its accessor functions
design.info Class design and its accessor functions
design.info<- Class design and its accessor functions
desnum Class design and its accessor functions
desnum<- Class design and its accessor functions
DoE.base Full factorials, orthogonal arrays and base utilities for DoE packages

-- E --

expansive.replace Expansive replacement for two orthogonal arrays
export.design Function for exporting a design object

-- F --

fac.design Function for full factorial designs
factor.names Class design and its accessor functions
factor.names<- Class design and its accessor functions
factorize.data.frame Factorize integer numbers and factors
factorize.design Factorize integer numbers and factors
factorize.factor Factorize integer numbers and factors
formula.design Function to change the default formula for a data frame of class design to involve the correct factors with the desired effects and responses

-- G --

genChild Internal utility functions to support automatic creation of child arrays from entries of the data frame oacat
generalized.word.length Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
getArray Internal utility functions to support automatic creation of child arrays from entries of the data frame oacat
getblock Functions to extract a block factor from a class design object or to rerandomize a class design object
GR Functions for calculating generalized resolution, average R-squared values and squared canonical correlations, and for checking design regularity
GRind Functions for calculating generalized resolution, average R-squared values and squared canonical correlations, and for checking design regularity
GWLP Function for fast calculation of GWLP
GWLP.default Function for fast calculation of GWLP
GWLP.design Function for fast calculation of GWLP

-- H --

halfnormal Creation of half normal effects plots and numeric methods for significance assessment
halfnormal.default Creation of half normal effects plots and numeric methods for significance assessment
halfnormal.design Creation of half normal effects plots and numeric methods for significance assessment
halfnormal.lm Creation of half normal effects plots and numeric methods for significance assessment
html Function for exporting a design object
html.data.frame Function for exporting a design object

-- I --

ICFT Function for calculating interaction contribution frequency tables
ICFTs Function for calculating interaction contribution frequency tables
iscube Functions to isolate cube points from 2-level fractional factorial design with center and / or star points
isstar Functions to isolate cube points from 2-level fractional factorial design with center and / or star points

-- L --

length2 Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
length3 Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
length4 Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
length5 Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
lengths Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
lengths.default Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
lengths.design Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
lengths.matrix Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
lm lm and aov methods for class design objects
lm.default lm and aov methods for class design objects
lm.design lm and aov methods for class design objects
lowerbounds Function to Calculate a Lower Bound for A_R and Internal Auxiliary Functions
lowerbound_AR Function to Calculate a Lower Bound for A_R and Internal Auxiliary Functions
lowerbound_chi2 Function to Calculate a Lower Bound for A_R and Internal Auxiliary Functions

-- M --

ME.Lenth Creation of half normal effects plots and numeric methods for significance assessment

-- N --

nchoosek Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
null.check Creation of half normal effects plots and numeric methods for significance assessment

-- O --

oa Function for accessing orthogonal arrays
oa.design Function for accessing orthogonal arrays
oa.max3 Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
oa.max4 Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
oa.maxGR Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
oa.min3 Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
oa.min34 Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
oa.min4 Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
oa.minRelProjAberr Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
oa2symb Internal utility functions to support automatic creation of child arrays from entries of the data frame oacat
oacat Data Frames That List Available Orthogonal Arrays
oacat3 Data Frames That List Available Orthogonal Arrays
oa_feasible Function to Check Whether an Array of Specified Strength Might Exist
ord Class design and its accessor functions
origin Function for accessing orthogonal arrays
orth.check Creation of half normal effects plots and numeric methods for significance assessment

-- P --

P2.2 Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
P3.3 Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
P4.4 Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
param.design Function to generate Taguchi style parameter designs
paramtowide Function to generate Taguchi style parameter designs
parseArrayLine Internal utility functions to support automatic creation of child arrays from entries of the data frame oacat
pickcube Functions to isolate cube points from 2-level fractional factorial design with center and / or star points
planor2design Convert matrix, data frame or object of class planordesign to object of class design
plot.design Plotting class design objects
print.aov.design lm and aov methods for class design objects
print.design Methods for class design objects
print.GRind Functions for calculating generalized resolution, average R-squared values and squared canonical correlations, and for checking design regularity
print.lm.design lm and aov methods for class design objects
print.oa Function to Print oa Objects with a Lot of Added Info
print.summary.aov.design lm and aov methods for class design objects
print.summary.lm.design lm and aov methods for class design objects

-- Q --

qua.design Function to switch between qualitative and quantitative factors and different contrast settings

-- R --

redesign Class design and its accessor functions
reptolong Reshape designs with repeated measurements
reptowide Reshape designs with repeated measurements
rerandomize.design Functions to extract a block factor from a class design object or to rerandomize a class design object
response.names Class design and its accessor functions
response.names<- Class design and its accessor functions
run.order Class design and its accessor functions
run.order<- Class design and its accessor functions

-- S --

SCFTs Functions for calculating generalized resolution, average R-squared values and squared canonical correlations, and for checking design regularity
show.oas Function to display list of available orthogonal arrays
SN Function for the signal-to-noise ratio 10 * log10(mean^2/var)
summary.aov.design lm and aov methods for class design objects
summary.design Methods for class design objects
summary.lm.design lm and aov methods for class design objects
symb2oa Internal utility functions to support automatic creation of child arrays from entries of the data frame oacat

-- T --

tupleSel Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
tupleSel.default Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array
tupleSel.design Functions for calculating the generalized word length pattern, projection frequency tables or optimizing column selection within an array

-- U --

undesign Class design and its accessor functions

-- V --

VSGFS VSGFS: an experiment using an optimized orthogonal array in 72 runs

-- Y --

Yates Catalogues for blocking full factorial 2-level and 3-level designs, and lists of generating columns for regular 2- and 3-level designs.
Yates3 Catalogues for blocking full factorial 2-level and 3-level designs, and lists of generating columns for regular 2- and 3-level designs.

-- misc --

[.design Methods for class design objects