DistributionUtils-package |
Utility functions useful for all distributions in packages following the standard approach developed in Scott, Wuertz and Dong. |
besselRatio |
Ratio of Bessel K Functions |
combinatorial |
The Incomplete Bessel K Function |
distCalcRange |
Range of a Unimodal Distribution |
distIneqMassart |
Massart Inequality for Distributions |
distIneqMassartPlot |
Massart Inequality Plot Function |
distMode |
Mode of a Unimodal Distribution |
DistributionUtils |
Utility functions useful for all distributions in packages following the standard approach developed in Scott, Wuertz and Dong. |
distStepSize |
Step Size for Calculating the Range of a Unimodal Distribution |
gammaTailPlotLine |
Tail Plot Functions |
The Incomplete Bessel K Function |
The Incomplete Bessel K Function |
incompleteBesselK |
The Incomplete Bessel K Function |
incompleteBesselKR |
The Incomplete Bessel K Function |
integrateDens |
Integrates a Density Function |
inversionTestpq |
Inversion Tests for Distributions |
inversionTestqp |
Inversion Tests for Distributions |
is.wholenumber |
Is Object Numeric and Whole Numbers |
kurtosis |
Sample Skewness and Kurtosis |
logHist |
Plot Log-Histogram |
momChangeAbout |
Obtain Moments About a New Location |
momIntegrated |
Moments Using Integration |
momSE |
Standard Errors of Sample Moments |
moranTest |
Moran's Log Spacings Test |
normTailPlotLine |
Tail Plot Functions |
pDist |
Distribution and Quantile Functions for Unimodal Distributions |
print.integrate |
Safe Integration of One-Dimensional Functions |
qDist |
Distribution and Quantile Functions for Unimodal Distributions |
safeIntegrate |
Safe Integration of One-Dimensional Functions |
skewness |
Sample Skewness and Kurtosis |
SSFcoef |
The Incomplete Bessel K Function |
tailPlot |
Tail Plot Functions |
tailPlotLine |
Tail Plot Functions |
tsHessian |
Calculate Two-Sided Hessian Approximation |
tTailPlotLine |
Tail Plot Functions |