DQ {DiscreteQvalue} | R Documentation |
Improved q-values for discrete uniform and homogeneous tests
Performs the five versions of the q-value method considered in Cousido-Rocha et al. (2019). The q-value method is based on the false discovery rate (FDR), and the versions differ in the estimator of the proportion of true null hypotheses, \pi_0
, which is plugged in the FDR estimator. Specifically, we consider as possible estimators for \pi_0
: two usual estimators for continuous and possibly heterogeneous P-values; an estimator for discrete P-values defined in two steps: firstly the P-values are randomized, and then the usual \pi_0
estimator for continuous P-values is applied; and the estimators recently proposed for discrete P-values by Liang (2016) and Chen et al. (2014).
ss = NULL,
ss_inf = FALSE,
method = c("ST", "SS", "Liang", "Chen", "Rand"),
lambda = seq(0.05, 0.95, 0.05)
pv |
A vector of P-values. |
ss |
Support of the discrete distribution of the P-values. Only required for “Liang”, “Chen” and “Rand” methods which are specifically proposed for discrete P-values. If the P-values are continuous the methods “ST” and “SS” do not need this argument, hence “ss=NULL” by default. |
ss_inf |
Logical. Default is FALSE. A variable indicating whether the support of the discrete distribution of the P-values is finite or infinite. See details. |
method |
The q-value method. By default the “Chen” method is computed. |
lambda |
The value of the tuning parameter to estimate |
The function implements the five different versions of the q-value method in Cousido-Rocha et al. (2019).
Three versions are novel adaptions for the case of homogeneous discrete uniform P-values, whereas the other two
are classical versions of the q-value method for P-values which follow a continuous uniform distribution under the global null hypothesis.
The classical versions are the q-value method based on the \pi_0
estimator proposed in Storey (2002) with tunning parameter \lambda
= 0.5,
and the q-value procedure which uses the \pi_0
estimator in Storey and Tibshirani (2003) who proposed an automatic method to estimate \pi_0
We refer to these methods as “SS” and “ST”, respectively. On the other hand the three adaptations of the q-value method
for homogeneous discrete uniform P-values are: “Liang” which considers the \pi_0
estimator proposed in
Liang (2016); “Chen” which uses a simplification for homogeneous discrete P-values of the algorithm for
the estimation of \pi_0
proposed in Chen et al. (2014); and “Rand” which employs the standard q-value procedure but applied to
randomized P-values. For details of the different q-value versions, in
particular for the novel adaptations for homogeneous discrete uniform P-values, see Cousido-Rocha et al. (2019).
As we mentioned above the novel adaptations of the q-value method are developed for homogeneous discrete uniform P-values.
Specifically, suppose that we test a large number of null hypothesis, p, and that the P-values \{pv_1, \dots, pv_p\}
are observations of the random variables PV_i, i = 1, \dots , p.
Homogeneous means that all the P-values share an identical support S
with 0<t_1 < \dots <t_s<t_{s+1} \equiv 1
On the other hand, making an abuse of language, we say that the P-values follow a discrete uniform distribution if it holds
Pr(PV_i \leq t) = t
for t \in S, i = 1, \dots, p
The classical discrete uniform distribution is a particular case.
The argument “lambda”
must be a sequence of values in [0, 1)
, for details of this parameter see Storey (2002) or Storey and Tibshirani (2003). The latter paper recommends the default value “lambda=seq(0.05,0.95,0.05)”.
The support of the discrete distribution of the P-values can be finite or infinte. Hence the parameter “ss inf” must be “FALSE” if the support is finite and “TRUE” if the support is infinite. See examples where a poisson setting is considered.
Finally, it is relevant to mention that Cousido-Rocha et al. (2019) verified (via simulations) that the results of the different q-values methods for dependent P-values are very similar to the ones corresponding to the independent setting.
A list containing the following components:
pi0 |
An estimate of the proportion of null P-values. |
q.values |
A vector of the estimated q-values (the main quantities of interest). |
Marta Cousido-Rocha
José Carlos Soage González
Jacobo de Uña-Álvarez
Sebastian Döhler
Chen, X., R. W. Doerge, and J. F. Heyse (2014). Methodology Multiple testing with discrete data: proportion of true null hypotheses and two adaptive FDR procedures. arXiv:1410.4274v2.
Cousido-Rocha, M., J. de Uña-Álvarez, and S. Döhler (2019). Multiple testing methods for homogeneous discrete uniform P-values. Preprint.
Gibbons, J. D. and S. Chakraborti (1992). Nonparametric Statistical Inference. Third Edition. Marcel Dekker, Inc, New York.
Liang, K. (2016). False discovery rate estimation for large-scale homogeneous discrete p-values. Biometrics 72, 639-648.
Storey, J. D. (2002). A direct approach to false discovery rates. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 64 (3), 479-498.
Storey, J. and R. Tibshirani (2003). Statistical significance for genomewide studies. Proceedings of National Academy of Science 100, 9440-9445.
# We consider a simple simulated data set to illustrate the use of the DQ function.
# We have simulated the following situation.
# We have two groups, for example, 5 patients with tumor 1 and 5 patients
# with tumor 2. For each patient 100 variables are measured, for example,
# gene expression levels. Besides, the distributions of 30 of the variables
# are different in the two groups, and the differences are in location.
# We consider a collection of densities {f1=N(0,1), f2=N(0,1/4), f3=N(2,1), f4=N(2,1/4)}. In
# the first group (tumor 1) the sample of each variable (gene) comes from one of
# the four densities with the same probability 1/4. On the other hand, in the second
# group the sample of each variable comes from the same density as in the first
# group except for 30 randomly selected variables for which the density changes
# producing location differences. Specifically, if the variable follows
# f1 in the first group, its density, in the second group, is f3 producing a
# change on its location parameter.The situation for the other cases is as follows:
# the density f2 (f3 or f4) in group 1 leads to density f4 (f1 or f2, respectively)
# in the second one.
p <- 100
n = m = 5
inds <- sample(1:4, p, replace = TRUE)
X <- matrix(rep(0, n * p), ncol = n)
for (j in 1:p){
if (inds[j] == 1){
X[j, ] <- rnorm(n)}
if (inds[j] == 2){
X[j, ] <- rnorm(n, sd = sqrt(1/4))
if (inds[j] == 3){
X[j, ]<-rnorm(n, mean = 2)
if (inds[j] == 4){
X[j, ]<-rnorm(n, mean = 2, sd = sqrt(1/4))
rho <- 0.3
ind <- sample(1:p, rho * p)
li <- length(ind)
indsy <- inds
for (l in 1:li){
if (indsy[ind[l]] == 1){indsy[ind[l]] = 3} else{
if (indsy[ind[l]] == 2){indsy[ind[l]] = 4} else {
if (indsy[ind[l]] == 3){indsy[ind[l]] = 1}
else{indsy[ind[l]] = 2}}}}
Y <- matrix(rep(0, m * p), ncol = m)
for (j in 1:p){
if (indsy[j] == 1){
Y[j, ] <- rnorm(m)}
if (indsy[j] == 2){
Y[j, ] <- rnorm(m, sd = sqrt(1/4))
if (indsy[j] == 3){
Y[j, ] <- rnorm(m, mean = 2)
if (indsy[j] == 4){
Y[j, ]<- rnorm(m, mean = 2, sd = sqrt(1/4))
# We can see which are the variables with different distributions in the two data sets.
dif <- which(inds != indsy)
# Cross table for (X,Y) density indexes:
# Our interest is to identify which variables have a different distribution in the two groups.
# Hence, since the differences between the distributions are in location, we applied
# Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test to verify for each variable the equality of distribution
# in the two groups.
# We compute the P-values
p <- nrow(X)
pv <- 1:p
for (i in 1:p){
pv[i] <- wilcox.exact(X[i, ], Y[i, ])$p.value
# When the sample size is small, in this case n=m=5, the distribution of
# the Wilcoxon's statistic is calibrated using an exact permutation test. Hence,
# the P-values are homogeneous discrete uniform distributed with support points
# of such distribution:
ss <- c(1, 2, 4, 7, 12, 19, 28, 39, 53,69, 87, 106, 126) / 126
# When the number of P-values is large enough "ss" is equal to:
# For details about the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test and its exact distribution
# see Section 9.2 of Gibbons and Chakraborti (1992).
# We apply Chen method:
R <- DQ(pv, ss = ss, method = "Chen")
# The estimate of the proportion of null P-values:
# Summary of the vector of the estimated q-values:
# How many null hypotheses are rejected?
alpha <- 0.05
sum(R$q.values < alpha)
# Which variables correspond to such null hypotheses?
which(R$q.values < alpha)
# Classification table (Decision at nominal level alpha vs. reality):
table(R$q.values < alpha,inds != indsy)
# The conclusion from the previous table is that Chen method reports
# 21 true positives and 9 false negatives.
# We can also apply Liang and SS methods as follows.
RLiang <- DQ(pv, ss = ss, method = "Liang")
RSS <- DQ(pv, ss = ss, method = "SS")
# The next graphic help us to see that Liang method (for discrete P-values)
# is more powerful than SS method (only suitable for continuous P-values).
abline(a = 0, b = 1, col = 2, lty = 2)
# We consider a poisson setting to show a case where the support of the discrete
# distribution of the P-values is infinte.
# We generate 100 values of a poisson distribution with event rate 10.
# Then we compute the probability that each of the values come from a
# a poisson distribution with event rate 10. This set of probabilities
# are considered as our set of P-values.
p <- 100
N <- rpois(p, lambda = 10)
pv <- 1:p
for(i in 1:p){
pv[i] <- ppois(N[i], lambda = 10)
# It is well know that the support of a poisson distribution is infinite
# and equal to the natural numbers. Hence to know the support of the P-values
# defined above, we compute for 1,..., 50 their corresponding P-value.
# We only considered 50 values because for large values than 50 the P-value is 1 again.
nn_0 <- 50
ss <- 1:(nn_0 + 1)
for (i in 1:(nn_0 + 1)){
ss[i] <- ppois(i - 1, lambda = 10)
# We eliminate repeated values.
ss <- unique(ss)
# For Chen method the relevant support points are only the values below tau[100] = 0.5.
# We define the support ss as such values. Then, we can apply Chen method. Of
# course s_inf = TRUE.
indicator <- which(ss <= 0.5)
ssi <- ss[indicator]
R <- DQ(pv, ss = ssi, ss_inf = "TRUE", method = "Chen")
# For Liang method the relevant support values are also the values below 0.5, hence
# ss defined above is suitable.
R <- DQ(pv, ss = ssi, ss_inf = "TRUE", method = "Liang")
# For Rand method the relevant support values are those ones with match with
# the P-values, and also the largest support points smaller than each one of such P-values.
# Hence, ss only includes the relevant points, as we can see below.
pv_unique <- unique(pv)
p_u <- length(pv_unique)
ind <- 1:p_u
for(i in 1:p_u){
ind[i] <- which(ss == pv_unique[i])
p_u == length(ind)
ind_minus <- ind - 1
ind_final <- unique(sort(c(ind, ind_minus)))
ss <- ss[ind_final]
# Now, we can apply Rand method.
R <- DQ(pv, ss = ss, ss_inf = "TRUE", method = "Rand")