DisHet {DisHet}R Documentation

Heterogeneity Dissection


This function performs dissection of bulk sample gene expression using matched normal and tumorgraft RNA-seq data. It outputs the final proportion estiamtes of the three components for all patients.

The patient-specific dissection proportion estimates are saved in a 3-by-k matrix named "rho", where k is the number of patients. The 3 rows of "rho" matrix correspond to the tumor, normal, stroma components in order. That is, the proportion estimate of tumor component for patient i is stored in rho[1,i]; the normal component proportion estimate of this patient is stored in rho[2,i];and stroma component proportion in rho[3,i].


DisHet(exp_T,exp_N,exp_G, save=TRUE, MCMC_folder, 
      n_cycle=10000, save_last=500, mean_last=200, dirichlet_c=1, S_c=1, rho_small=1e-2, 



Gene expression in bulk RNA-seq samples. The rows correspond to different genes. The columns correspond to different patients.


Gene expression in the corresponding normal samples. The rows list the same set of genes as in exp_G. The columns correspond to patients matched with exp_T.


Gene expression in the corresponding tumor samples. The rows list the same set of genes as in exp_G. The columns correspond to patients matched with exp_T.


When save==TRUE, as in default, all component proportion estimates during MCMC iterations can be saved into a user-specified directory using the "MCMC_folder" argument.


Directory for saving the estimated mixture proportion matrix updates during MCMC iterations. The default setting is to create a "DisHet" folder under the current working directory.


Number of MCMC iterations(chain length). The default value is 10,000.


Save the rho matrix updates for the last "save_last" Number of MCMC iterations. The default value is 500.


Calculate the final proportion estiamte matrix using the last "mean_last" number of MCMC iterations. The default value is 200.


Stride scale in sampling rho. Larger value leads to smaller steps in sampling rho. The default value is 1.


Stride scale in sampling Sij. Larger value leads to larger steps in sampling Sij. The default value is 1.


The smallest rho updates allowed during MCMC. The default is 1e-2. This threshold is set to help improve numerical stability of the algorithm.


Initial value of the proportion estimate for the stroma component. The default value is 0.02.


Initial value of the proportion estimate for the tumor component. The default value is 0.96.


Initial value of the proportion estimate for the normal component. The default value is 0.02.


Un-logged expression values should be used in exp_N/T/G matrices, and their rows and columns must match each other corresponding to the same set of genes and patients.

The values specified for "initial_rho_S", "initial_rho_G", and "initial_rho_S" all have to be positive. If the three proportion initials are not summing to 1, normalization is performed automatically to force the sum to be 1.


  exp_T <- exp_T[1:200,]
  exp_N <- exp_N[1:200,]
  exp_G <- exp_G[1:200,]
  rho <- DisHet(exp_T, exp_N, exp_G, save=FALSE, n_cycle=200, mean_last=50)

[Package DisHet version 1.0.0 Index]