Directional-package | This is an R package that provides methods for the statistical analysis of directional data, including massive (very large scale) directional data. |
acg.mle | MLE of (hyper-)spherical rotationally symmetric distributions |
africa | maps of the world and the continents |
Arotation | Rotation axis and angle of rotation given a rotation matrix |
asia | maps of the world and the continents |
bic.mixvmf | BIC to choose the number of components in a model based clustering using mixtures of von Mises-Fisher distributions |
cardio.mle | MLE of some circular distributions |
cipc.mle | MLE of some circular distributions |
cipc.reg | Circular or angular regression |
circ.cor1 | Circular correlations between two circular variables |
circ.cor2 | Circular correlations between two circular variables |
circ.cors1 | Circular correlations between two circular variables |
circ.cors2 | Circular correlations between two circular variables |
circ.dcor | Circular distance correlation between two circular variables |
circ.summary | Summary statistics for circular data |
circbeta.mle | MLE of some circular distributions |
circexp.mle | MLE of some circular distributions |
circlin.cor | Circular-linear correlation |
circpurka.reg | Circular or angular regression |
colspml.mle | Column-wise MLE of the angular Gaussian and the von Mises Fisher distributions |
colvm.mle | Column-wise MLE of the angular Gaussian and the von Mises Fisher distributions |
colwatsons | Column-wise uniformity tests for circular data |
conc.test | A test for testing the equality of the concentration parameter among g samples, where g >= 2 for ciruclar data |
cosap | Conversion of cosines to azimuth and plunge |
cosnn | The k-nearest neighbours using the cosinus distance |
dcardio | Density of some circular distributions |
dcipc | Density of some circular distributions |
dcircbeta | Density of some circular distributions |
dcircexp | Density of some circular distributions |
dcircpurka | Density of some circular distributions |
desag | Density of the spherical ESAG and Kent distributions |
dgcpc | Density of some circular distributions |
dggvm | Density of some circular distributions |
dirda.cv | Cross validation for estimating the classification rate |
dirknn | k-NN algorithm using the arc cosinus distance |
dirknn.tune | k-NN algorithm using the arc cosinus distance. Tuning the k neigbours |
dkent | Density of the spherical ESAG and Kent distributions |
dmixvmf | Density of a mixture of von Mises-Fisher distributions |
dmmvm | Density of some circular distributions |
dpkbd | Density of some (hyper-)spherical distributions |
dpurka | Density of some (hyper-)spherical distributions |
dsespc | Density of the SESPC distribution |
dspcauchy | Density of some (hyper-)spherical distributions |
dspml | Density of some circular distributions |
dvm | Density of some circular distributions |
dvmf | Density of some (hyper-)spherical distributions |
dwood | Density of the Wood bimodal distribution on the sphere |
dwrapcauchy | Density of some circular distributions |
embed.aov | Analysis of variance for (hyper-)spherical data |
embed.boot | Bootstrap 2-sample mean test for (hyper-)spherical data |
embed.circaov | Analysis of variance for circular data |
embed.perm | Permutation based 2-sample mean test for (hyper-)spherical data |
embedcirc.boot | Bootstrap 2-sample mean test for circular data |
embedcirc.perm | Permutation based 2-sample mean test for circular data |
esag.contour | Contour plot (on the plane) of the ESAG and Kent and ESAG distributions without any data |
esag.da | Cross validation for estimating the classification rate of a discrminant analysis for directional data assuming an ESAG distribution |
esag.mle | MLE of the ESAG distribution |
esag.reg | Spherical regression using the ESAG distribution |
esagda.pred | Prediction of a new observation using discriminant analysis based on ESAG distribution |
etoa | Transform unit vectors to angular data |
euclid | Euclidean transformation |
euclid.inv | Inverse of the Euclidean transformation |
eul2rot | Construct a rotation matrix on SO(3) from the Euler angles. |
europe | maps of the world and the continents |
f.rbing | Simulating from a Bingham distribution |
fb.saddle | Saddlepoint approximations of the Fisher-Bingham distributions |
fishkent | Hypothesis test for von Mises-Fisher distribution over Kent distribution |
gcpc.mle | MLE of some circular distributions |
gcpc.reg | Circular or angular regression |
ggvm.mle | MLE of some circular distributions |
group.gof | Goodness of fit test for grouped data |
group.vm | Summary statistics for grouped circular data |
habeck.rot | Generation of three-dimensional random rotations using Habeck's algorithm. |
haversine.dist | Harvesine distance matrix |
hcf.aov | Analysis of variance for (hyper-)spherical data |
hcf.boot | Bootstrap 2-sample mean test for (hyper-)spherical data |
hcf.circaov | Analysis of variance for circular data |
hcf.perm | Permutation based 2-sample mean test for (hyper-)spherical data |
hcfboot | Bootstrap ANOVA for (hyper-)spherical data |
hcfcirc.boot | Bootstrap 2-sample mean test for circular data |
hcfcirc.perm | Permutation based 2-sample mean test for circular data |
hcfcircboot | Bootstrap ANOVA for circular data |
hclr.aov | Analysis of variance for (hyper-)spherical data |
hclr.boot | Bootstrap 2-sample mean test for (hyper-)spherical data |
hclr.circaov | Analysis of variance for circular data |
hclr.perm | Permutation based 2-sample mean test for (hyper-)spherical data |
hclrcirc.boot | Bootstrap 2-sample mean test for circular data |
hclrcirc.perm | Permutation based 2-sample mean test for circular data |
het.aov | Analysis of variance for (hyper-)spherical data |
het.boot | Bootstrap 2-sample mean test for (hyper-)spherical data |
het.circaov | Analysis of variance for circular data |
het.perm | Permutation based 2-sample mean test for (hyper-)spherical data |
hetboot | Bootstrap ANOVA for (hyper-)spherical data |
hetcirc.boot | Bootstrap 2-sample mean test for circular data |
hetcirc.perm | Permutation based 2-sample mean test for circular data |
hetcircboot | Bootstrap ANOVA for circular data |
iag.mle | MLE of (hyper-)spherical rotationally symmetric distributions |
iag.reg | Spherical regression using rotationally symmetric distributions |
iagd | Density of some (hyper-)spherical distributions |
iagesag | Hypothesis test for IAG distribution over the ESAG distribution |
kent.contour | Contour plot (on the plane) of the ESAG and Kent and ESAG distributions without any data |
kent.logcon | Logarithm of the Kent distribution normalizing constant |
kent.mle | MLe of the Kent distribution |
knn.reg | k-NN regression with Euclidean or (hyper-)spherical response and or predictor variables |
knnreg.tune | Tuning of the k-NN regression with Euclidean or (hyper-)spherical response and or predictor variables |
kuiper | Uniformity tests for circular data. |
lambert | Lambert's equal area projection |
lambert.inv | Inverse of Lambert's equal area projection |
lr.aov | Analysis of variance for (hyper-)spherical data |
lr.boot | Bootstrap 2-sample mean test for (hyper-)spherical data |
lr.circaov | Analysis of variance for circular data |
lr.perm | Permutation based 2-sample mean test for (hyper-)spherical data |
lrcirc.boot | Bootstrap 2-sample mean test for circular data |
lrcirc.perm | Permutation based 2-sample mean test for circular data |
makefolds | Generate random folds for cross-validation |
matrixfisher.mle | MLE of the Matrix Fisher distribution on SO(3) |
meandir.test | Test for a given mean direction |
mediandir | Fast calculation of the spherical and hyperspherical median |
mediandir_2 | Fast calculation of the spherical and hyperspherical median |
mixvmf.contour | Contour plot of a mixture of von Mises-Fisher distributions model for spherical data only. |
mixvmf.mle | Mixtures of Von Mises-Fisher distributions |
mmvm.mle | MLE of some circular distributions |
multispml.mle | MLE of some circular distributions with multiple samples |
multivm.mle | MLE of some circular distributions with multiple samples |
multivmf.mle | MLE of (hyper-)spherical rotationally symmetric distributions |
north.america | maps of the world and the continents |
nsmedian | Normalised spatial median for directional data |
oceania | maps of the world and the continents |
pc.test | Hypothesis test for SIPC distribution over the SESPC distribution |
pcardio | Cumulative distribution function of circular distributions |
pcipc | Cumulative distribution function of circular distributions |
pcircbeta | Cumulative distribution function of circular distributions |
pcircexp | Cumulative distribution function of circular distributions |
pcircpurka | Cumulative distribution function of circular distributions |
pgcpc | Cumulative distribution function of circular distributions |
pkbd.contour | Contour plots of some rotationally symmetric distributions |
pkbd.mle | MLE of (hyper-)spherical rotationally symmetric distributions |
pmmvm | Cumulative distribution function of circular distributions |
pspml | Cumulative distribution function of circular distributions |
ptest | Projections based test of uniformity |
purka.contour | Contour plots of some rotationally symmetric distributions |
purka.da | Cross validation for estimating the classification rate of a discrminant analysis for directional data assuming a Purkayastha distribution |
purka.mle | MLE of the Purkayashta distribution |
purkada.pred | Prediction of a new observation using discriminant analysis based on Purkayastha distribution |
pvm | Cumulative distribution function of circular distributions |
pwrapcauchy | Cumulative distribution function of circular distributions |
quat2rot | Converting an unsigned unit quaternion to rotation matrix on SO(3) |
racg | Angular central Gaussian random values simulation |
rayleigh | Rayleigh's test of uniformity |
rbingham | Simulation from a Bingham distribution using any symmetric matrix A |
rcipc | Simulation of random values from some circular distributions |
rcircbeta | Simulation of random values from some circular distributions |
rcircexp | Simulation of random values from some circular distributions |
rcircpurka | Simulation of random values from some circular distributions |
read.fbm | Read a file as a Filebacked Big Matrix |
resag | Simulation of random values from the ESAG distribution |
rfb | Simulation of random values from a spherical Fisher-Bingham distribution |
rgcpc | Simulation of random values from some circular distributions |
riag | Simulation of random values from rotationally symmetric distributions |
rkent | Simulation of random values from a spherical Kent distribution |
rmatrixfisher | Simulation from a Matrix Fisher distribution on SO(3) |
rmixvmf | Simulation of random values from a mixture of von Mises-Fisher distributions |
rot.matrix | Rotation matrix from a rotation axis and angle of rotation |
rot2eul | Compute the Euler angles from a rotation matrix on SO(3). |
rot2quat | Converting a rotation matrix on SO(3) to an unsigned unit quaternion |
rotation | Rotation matrix to rotate a spherical vector along the direction of another |
rpkbd | Simulation of random values from rotationally symmetric distributions |
rsespc | Simulation of random values from the SESPC distribution |
rsop | Random sample of matrices in SO(p) |
rspcauchy | Simulation of random values from rotationally symmetric distributions |
rspml | Simulation of random values from some circular distributions |
rvmf | Simulation of random values from rotationally symmetric distributions |
rvonmises | Simulation of random values from some circular distributions |
rwrapcauchy | Simulation of random values from some circular distributions |
sespc.mle | MLE of the SESPC distribution |
sespc.reg | Spherical regression using the SESPC distribution |
sipc.mle | MLE of (hyper-)spherical rotationally symmetric distributions |
sipc.reg | Spherical regression using rotationally symmetric distributions |
south.america | maps of the world and the continents |
spcauchy.contour | Contour plots of some rotationally symmetric distributions |
spcauchy.mle | MLE of (hyper-)spherical rotationally symmetric distributions |
spcauchy.mle2 | MLE of (hyper-)spherical rotationally symmetric distributions |
spher.cor | Spherical-spherical correlation |
spher.dcor | Spherical and hyper-spherical distance correlation |
spher.esag.contour | Contour plot (on the sphere) of the ESAG and Kent distributions |
spher.kent.contour | Contour plot (on the sphere) of the ESAG and Kent distributions |
spher.mixvmf.contour | Contour plot (on the sphere) of a mixture of von Mises-Fisher distributions |
spher.pkbd.contour | Contour plot (on the sphere) of some spherical rotationally symmetric distributions |
spher.purka.contour | Contour plot (on the sphere) of some spherical rotationally symmetric distributions |
spher.reg | Spherical-Spherical regression |
spher.sespc.contour | Contour plot (on the sphere) of the SESPC distribution |
spher.spcauchy.contour | Contour plot (on the sphere) of some spherical rotationally symmetric distributions |
spher.vmf.contour | Contour plot (on the sphere) of some spherical rotationally symmetric distributions |
spherconc.test | Test for equality of concentration parameters for spherical data |
sphereplot | Interactive 3D plot of spherical data |
spml.fbed | Forward Backward Early Dropping selection for circular data using the SPML regression |
spml.mle | MLE of some circular distributions |
spml.nb | Naive Bayes classifiers for directional data |
spml.reg | Circular or angular regression |
spml.regs | Many simple circular or angular regressions |
spmlnb.pred | Prediction with some naive Bayes classifiers for circular data |
tang.conc | A test for testing the equality of the concentration parameter among g samples, where g >= 2 for ciruclar data |
vec | Generation of unit vector(s) with a given angle |
visual.check | Check visually whether matrix Fisher samples is correctly generated or not. |
vm.kde | Kernel density estimation of circular data with a von Mises kernel |
vm.nb | Naive Bayes classifiers for directional data |
vmf.contour | Contour plots of some rotationally symmetric distributions |
vmf.da | Cross validation for estimating the classification rate of a discrminant analysis for directional data assuming a von Mises-Fisher distribution |
vmf.kde | Kernel density estimation for (hyper-)spherical data using a von Mises-Fisher kernel |
vmf.kerncontour | Contour plot of spherical data using a von Mises-Fisher kernel density estimate |
vmf.mle | MLE of (hyper-)spherical rotationally symmetric distributions |
vmf.reg | Spherical regression using rotationally symmetric distributions |
vmfda.pred | Prediction of a new observation using discriminant analysis based on von Mises-Fisher distribution |
vmfkde.tune | Tuning of the bandwidth parameter in the von Mises-Fisher kernel for (hyper-)spherical data |
vmkde.tune | Tuning of the bandwidth parameter in the von Mises kernel for circular data |
vmnb.pred | Prediction with some naive Bayes classifiers for circular data |
watson | Uniformity tests for circular data. |
wood.mle | MLE of the Wood bimodal distribution on the sphere |
worldmap | maps of the world and the continents |
wrapcauchy.mle | MLE of some circular distributions |