civilwar {DirectEffects} | R Documentation |
Data on civil wars and internal conflict from 1945-1999.
A dataset to replicate the analysis in Fearon and Laitin (2003).
A data frame with 6610 observations and 69 variables.
ccode. COW country id number
country. country name
cname. abbreviated country name
cmark. 1 for first in each country series
year. start year of war/conflict
wars. number wars in progress in country year
war. 1 if war ongoing in country year
warl. lagged war, w/ 0 for start of country series
onset. 1 for civil war onset
ethonset. 1 if onset = 1 & ethwar ~= 0
durest. estimated war duration
aim. 1 = rebels aim at center, 3 = aim at exit or autonomy, 2 = mixed or ambig.
casename. Id for case, usually name of rebel group(s)
ended. war ends = 1, 0 = ongoing
ethwar. 0 = not ethnic, 1 = ambig/mixed, 2 = ethnic
waryrs. war years for each onset
pop. population, in 1000s
lpop. log of pop
polity2. revised polity score
gdpen. gdp/pop based on pwt5.6, wdi2001,cow energy data
gdptype. source/type of gdp/pop estimate
gdpenl. lagged gdpenl, except for first in country series
lgdpenl1. log of lagged gdpen
lpopl1. log population, lagged except for first in country series
region. country's region, based on MAR project
western. Dummy for Western Democracies & Japan
eeurop. Dummy for Eastern Europe
lamerica. Dummy for Latin America
ssafrica. Dummy for Sub-Saharan Africa
asia. Dummy for Asia (not including Japan)
nafrme. Dummy for North Africa/Middle East
colbrit. Former British colony
colfra. former French colony
mtnest. Estimated percent mountainous terrain
lmtnest. log of mtnest
elevdiff. high - low elevation, in meters
Oil. more than 1/3 export revenues from fuels
ncontig. noncontiguous state
ethfrac. ethnic frac. based on Soviet Atlas, plus estimates for missing in 1964
ef. ethnic fractionalization based on Fearon 2002 APSA paper
plural. share of largest ethnic group (Fearon 2002 APSA)
second. share of 2nd largest ethnic group (Fearon 2002 APSA)
numlang. number languages in Ethnologue > min(1
relfrac. religious fractionalization
plurrel. size of largest confession
minrelpc. size of second largest confession
muslim. percent muslim
nwstate. 1 in 1st 2 years of state's existence
polity2l. lagged polity2, except 1st in country series
instab. > 2 change in Polity measure in last 3 yrs
anocl. lagged anocracy (-6 < polity2l < 6)
deml. lagged democracy (polity2l > 5)
empethfrac. ethfrac coded for colonial empires
empwarl. warl coded for data with empires
emponset. onset coded for data with empires
empgdpenl. gdpenl coded for empires data
emplpopl. lpopl coded for empires data
emplmtnest. lmtnest coded for empires data
empncontig. ncontig coded for empires
empolity2l. polity2l adjusted for empires (see fn38 in paper)
sdwars. number Sambanis/Doyle civ wars in progress
sdonset. onset of Sambanis/Doyle war
colwars. number Collier/Hoeffler wars in progress
colonset. onset of Collier/Hoeffler war
cowwars. number COW civ wars in progress
cowonset. onset of COW civ war
cowwarl. 1 if COW war ongoing in last period
sdwarl. 1 if S/D war ongoing in last period
colwarl. 1 if C/H war ongoing in last period
doi: 10.1017/S0003055403000534
Fearon, James D., and David A. Laitin (2003). Ethnicity, Insurgency, and Civil War. American Political Science Review, 97(1), 75-90. doi:10.1017/S0003055403000534