Kriging Methods for Computer Experiments

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Documentation for package ‘DiceKriging’ version 1.6.0

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-- C --

checkNames Consistency test between the column names of two matrices
checkNamesList Consistency test between the column names of two matrices
coef Get coefficients values
coef-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances with isotropic range
coef-method Class "covScaling"
coef-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances
coef-method Class "covUser"
coef-method Kriging models class
computeAuxVariables Auxiliary variables for kriging
covIso-class Class of tensor-product spatial covariances with isotropic range
covKernel-class Class "covKernel"
covMat1Mat2 Cross covariance matrix
covMat1Mat2-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances with isotropic range
covMat1Mat2-method Class "covScaling"
covMat1Mat2-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances
covMat1Mat2-method Class "covUser"
covMatrix Covariance matrix
covMatrix-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances with isotropic range
covMatrix-method Class "covScaling"
covMatrix-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances
covMatrix-method Class "covUser"
covMatrixDerivative-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances with isotropic range
covMatrixDerivative-method Class "covScaling"
covMatrixDerivative-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances
covparam2vect-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances with isotropic range
covparam2vect-method Class "covScaling"
covparam2vect-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances
covParametersBounds Boundaries for covariance parameters
covParametersBounds-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances with isotropic range
covParametersBounds-method Class "covScaling"
covParametersBounds-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances
covScaling-class Class "covScaling"
covTensorProduct-class Class of tensor-product spatial covariances
covUser-class Class "covUser"
covVector.dx-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances with isotropic range
covVector.dx-method Class "covScaling"
covVector.dx-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances
cv Multiple fold cross validation for a km object

-- D --

DiceKriging Kriging Methods for Computer Experiments

-- I --

inputnames Get the input variables names
inputnames-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances with isotropic range
inputnames-method Class "covScaling"
inputnames-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances

-- K --

kernelname Get the kernel name
kernelname-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances with isotropic range
kernelname-method Class "covScaling"
kernelname-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances
km Fit and/or create kriging models
km-class Kriging models class
kmData Fit and/or create kriging models

-- L -- Leave-one-out for a km object
leaveOneOutFun Leave-one-out least square criterion of a km object
leaveOneOutGrad Leave-one-out least square criterion - Analytical gradient
logLik log-likelihood of a km object
logLik-method log-likelihood of a km object log-likelihood of a km object
logLikFun Concentrated log-likelihood of a km object

-- N --

ninput Get the spatial dimension
ninput-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances with isotropic range
ninput-method Class "covScaling"
ninput-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances
nuggetflag Get the nugget flag
nuggetflag-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances with isotropic range
nuggetflag-method Class "covScaling"
nuggetflag-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances
nuggetflag-method Class "covUser"
nuggetvalue Get or set the nugget value
nuggetvalue-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances with isotropic range
nuggetvalue-method Class "covScaling"
nuggetvalue-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances
nuggetvalue-method Class "covUser"
nuggetvalue<- Get or set the nugget value
nuggetvalue<--method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances with isotropic range
nuggetvalue<--method Class "covScaling"
nuggetvalue<--method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances
nuggetvalue<--method Class "covUser"

-- P --

plot Diagnostic plot for the validation of a km object
plot-method Diagnostic plot for the validation of a km object Diagnostic plot for the validation of a km object
predict Predict values and confidence intervals at newdata for a km object
predict-method Predict values and confidence intervals at newdata for a km object Predict values and confidence intervals at newdata for a km object

-- S --

SCAD Penalty function
scalingFun Scaling function
scalingFun1d Scaling 1-dimensional function
scalingGrad Gradient of the dimensional Scaling function
show-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances with isotropic range
show-method Class "covScaling"
show-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances
show-method Class "covUser"
show-method Print values of a km object
simulate Simulate GP values at any given set of points for a km object
simulate-method Simulate GP values at any given set of points for a km object
summary-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances with isotropic range
summary-method Class "covScaling"
summary-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances

-- U --

update Update of a kriging model
update-method Update of a kriging model Update of a kriging model

-- V --

vect2covparam-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances with isotropic range
vect2covparam-method Class "covScaling"
vect2covparam-method Class of tensor-product spatial covariances