mermaid {DiagrammeR}R Documentation

R + mermaid.js


Make diagrams in R using mermaid.js with infrastructure provided by htmlwidgets.


mermaid(diagram = "", ..., width = NULL, height = NULL)



Diagram in mermaid markdown-like language or file (as a connection or file name) containing a diagram specification. If no diagram is provided diagram = "" then the function will assume that a diagram will be provided by htmltools::tags() and DiagrammeR is just being used for dependency injection.


Other arguments and parameters you would like to send to JavaScript.


The width of the resulting graphic in pixels.


The height of the resulting graphic in pixels.


An object of class htmlwidget that will intelligently print itself into HTML in a variety of contexts including the R console, within R Markdown documents, and within Shiny output bindings.


# Create a simple graph running left to right (note
# that the whitespace is not important)
# DiagrammeR("
#   graph LR
#     A-->B
#     A-->C
#     C-->E
#     B-->D
#     C-->D
#     D-->F
#     E-->F
# ")

# Create the equivalent graph but have it running
# from top to bottom
# DiagrammeR("
#    graph TB
#    A-->B
#    A-->C
#    C-->E
#    B-->D
#    C-->D
#    D-->F
#    E-->F
# ")

# Create a graph with different node shapes and
# provide fill styles for each node
# DiagrammeR("graph LR;A(Rounded)-->B[Squared];B-->C{A Decision};
#  C-->D[Square One];C-->E[Square Two];
#  style A fill:#E5E25F;  style B fill:#87AB51; style C fill:#3C8937;
#  style D fill:#23772C;  style E fill:#B6E6E6;"
# )

# Load in the 'mtcars' dataset
# data(mtcars)
# connections <- sapply(
#  1:ncol(mtcars)
#   ,function(i) {
#      paste0(
#         i
#       ,"(",colnames(mtcars)[i],")---"
#       ,i,"-stats("
#       ,paste0(
#         names(summary(mtcars[,i]))
#         ,": "
#         ,unname(summary(mtcars[,i]))
#         ,collapse="<br/>"
#       )
#       ,")"
#    )
#  }
# )

# Create a diagram using the 'connections' object
# DiagrammeR(
#    paste0(
#      "graph TD;", "\n",
#      paste(connections, collapse = "\n"),"\n",
#      "classDef column fill:#0001CC, stroke:#0D3FF3, stroke-width:1px;" ,"\n",
#      "class ", paste0(1:length(connections), collapse = ","), " column;"
#    )
#  )

# Also with `DiagrammeR()`, you can use tags
# from `htmltools` (just make sure to use
# `class = "mermaid"`)
# diagramSpec = "
# graph LR;
#   id1(Start)-->id2(Stop);
#   style id1 fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
#   style id2 fill:#ccf,stroke:#f66,stroke-width:2px,stroke-dasharray: 5, 5;
# "
# html_print(tagList(
#   tags$h1("R + mermaid.js = Something Special")
#   ,tags$pre(diagramSpec)
#   ,tags$div(class="mermaid", diagramSpec)
#   ,DiagrammeR()
# ))

# Create a sequence diagram
# DiagrammeR("
# sequenceDiagram;
#    customer->>ticket seller: ask for a ticket;
#    ticket seller->>database: seats;
#    alt tickets available
#      database->>ticket seller: ok;
#      ticket seller->>customer: confirm;
#      customer->>ticket seller: ok;
#      ticket seller->>database: book a seat;
#      ticket seller->>printer: print a ticket;
#    else sold out
#      database->>ticket seller: none left;
#      ticket seller->>customer: sorry;
#    end
# ")

[Package DiagrammeR version 1.0.11 Index]