Decision Forest

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Documentation for package ‘Dforest’ version 0.4.2

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cal_MCC Performance evaluation from other modeling algorithm Result
Con_DT Construct Decision Tree model with pruning
data_dili QSAR dataset with DILI endpoint for demo
Dforest Demo script to lean Decision Forest package Demo data are located in data/ folder
DF_acc Performance evaluation from Decision Tree Predictions
DF_calp T-test for feature selection
DF_ConfPlot Decision Forest algorithm: confidence level accumulated plot
DF_ConfPlot_accu Decision Forest algorithm: confidence level accumulated plot (accumulated version)
DF_CV Decision Forest algorithm: Model training with Cross-validation
DF_CVsummary output summary for Dforest Cross-validation results
DF_dataFs Decision Forest algorithm: Feature Selection in pre-processing
DF_dataPre Decision Forest algorithm: Data pre-processing
DF_easy Simple pre-defined pipeline for Decision forest
DF_perf performance evaluation between two factors
DF_pred Decision Forest algorithm: Model prediction
DF_train Decision Forest algorithm: Model training
DF_Trainsummary output summary for Dforest test results
multiplot multiplot
Pred_DT Doing Prediction with Decision Tree model