DetMCD-package {DetMCD}R Documentation

Deterministic and Robust Algorithms for Data Analysis.


This packages contains various robust and deterministic algorithms for data analysis.


Package: DetMCD
Type: Package
Version: 0.0.1
Date: 2012-09-19
Depends: matrixStats, pcaPP (>= 1.8-1), robustbase, MASS
License: GPL (>= 2)
LazyLoad: yes


DetMCD                  Robust and deterministic estimation of location 
                        and scatter.
DetMCD-package           Robust and Deterministic Algothms for Data 
plot.DetMCD          Diagnostic plots for DetMCD
DetMCD_CS               Internal function for DetMCD
DetMCD_RW               Internal function for DetMCD
DetMCD_SP               Internal function for DetMCD
xtractR_M               Internal function for DetMCD
quanff                  Internal function for DetMCD


Kaveh Vakili [aut, cre],

Maintainer: Kaveh Vakili <>

[Package DetMCD version 0.0.5 Index]