Library of Research Designs

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Documentation for package ‘DesignLibrary’ version 0.1.10

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assignment_string Generates string of assignment of value to argument
binary_iv_designer Create a binary instrumental variables design
block_cluster_two_arm_designer Create a two-arm design with blocks and clusters
cluster_sampling_designer Create a design for cluster random sampling
code_fixer Substitute approach
construct_design_code Generates clean code string that reproduces design
DesignLibrary DesignLibrary: A package for creating designs
factorial_designer Create a factorial design
get_design_code Get the code from a design Argument matching with defaults
mediation_analysis_designer Create a design for mediation analysis
multi_arm_designer Create a design with multiple experimental arms
pretest_posttest_designer Create a pretest-posttest design
process_tracing_designer Create a process-tracing design
randomized_response_designer Create a randomized response design
regression_discontinuity_designer Create a regression discontinuity design
return_args Generates character string for non-fixed arguments in a designer using substitution approach.
simple_factorial_designer Create a two-by-two factorial design
simple_iv_designer Create a binary instrumental variables design
simple_spillover_designer Create a design with spillovers
simple_two_arm_designer Create a one-level two-arm design
spillover_designer Create a design with spillovers
str_within Takes substring between matched strings. Avoids dependency on stringr package.
sub_expr_text Substitute text from expressions in design code
two_arm_attrition_designer Create design with risk of attrition or post treatment conditioning
two_arm_covariate_designer Create a simple two arm design with a possibly prognostic covariate
two_arm_designer Create a one-level two-arm design
two_by_two_designer Create a two-by-two factorial design