ObservedRepresentation {DescriptiveRepresentationCalculator}R Documentation

Compute the observed degree of representation for any group in a political body


Finds the degree of observed representation for any group in a political body.


ObservedRepresentation(BodyMemberCharacteristics, PopShares, BodyShares, a = -0.5, b = 1)



A vector specifying the characteristics for members of a political body.


A numeric vector specifying population shares of identities specified in the body-member characteristics input. The names of the entries in PopShares should correspond to identities in that body-member characteristics input (see Example).


(optional) A numeric vector with same structure as PopShares specifying group population shares of a given body. If specified, used by default instead of BodyMemberCharacteristics.

a, b

Parameters controlling the affine transformation for how the representation measure is summarized. That is, a and b control how the L1 deviation of the population shares from the body shares is re-weighted. This expected L1 deviation is multiplied by a; b is as an additive re-scaling term: a*L1+b. By default, a=-0.5 and b=1 so that the Rose Index of Proportionality is returned.


The observed degree of representation (a scalar). By default, this quantity is the Rose Index of Proportionality.


ObsRep <- ObservedRepresentation(
                        BodyMemberCharacteristics = c("A","A","C","A","C","A"),
                        PopShares = c("A"=1/3,"B"=2/3, "C"=1/3))

print( ObsRep )

[Package DescriptiveRepresentationCalculator version 1.0.0 Index]