An Interface to the 'DescribeDisplay' 'GGobi' Plugin

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Documentation for package ‘DescribeDisplay’ version 0.2.11

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DescribeDisplay-package R interface to DescribeDisplay (GGobi plugin).
addbrush Add brush to plot This adds a rectangle to a ggplot plot indicating the brush position.
dd_load Load describe display Retrieve output of from describe display plugin
describedisplayreshape R interface to DescribeDisplay (GGobi plugin).
ggplot.barplot Create a nice plot for Bar Plots Create a nice looking plot complete with axes using ggplot.
ggplot.dd Create a nice plot Create a nice looking plot complete with axes using ggplot.
ggplot.ddplot Create a nice plot Create a nice looking plot complete with axes using ggplot.
ggplot.histogram Create a nice plot for Histograms Create a nice looking plot complete with axes using ggplot.
ggplot.parcoords Create a nice plot for parallel coordinates plot Create a nice looking plot complete with axes using ggplot.
ggplot.scatmat Create a nice plots in a scatter plot matrix Create a nice looking plots in a matrix. The 1d sections along the diagonal have a smooth density while the values are compared to eachother within the matrix.
ggplot.timeseries Create nice plots for a time series Create nice looking plots complete with axes using ggplot. Produces graphics with a uniform x axis.
plot.ddplot Plot a dd plot Convenient method to draw a single panel.
removehiddens Remove hidden points Will remove all hidden points from the plot.
zeeThemAll Run All Examples Will run all examples within the package