DualObj {DebiasInfer} | R Documentation |
The objective function of the debiasing dual program.
This function computes the objective function value of the debiasing dual program.
DualObj(X, x, Pi, ll_cur, gamma_n = 0.05)
X |
The input design n*d matrix. |
x |
The current query point, which is a 1*d array. |
Pi |
An n*n diagonal matrix with (estimated) propensity scores as its diagonal entries. |
ll_cur |
The current value of the dual solution vector. |
gamma_n |
The regularization parameter " |
The value of the objective function of our dual debiasing program.
Yikun Zhang, yikunzhang@foxmail.com
Zhang, Y., Giessing, A. and Chen, Y.-C. (2023) Efficient Inference on High-Dimensional Linear Model with Missing Outcomes. https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.06429.
d = 1000
n = 900
Sigma = array(0, dim = c(d,d)) + diag(d)
rho = 0.1
for(i in 1:(d-1)){
for(j in (i+1):d){
if ((j < i+6) | (j > i+d-6)){
Sigma[i,j] = rho
Sigma[j,i] = rho
sig = 1
## Current query point
x_cur = rep(0, d)
x_cur[c(1, 2, 3, 7, 8)] = c(1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/2, 1/8)
x_cur = array(x_cur, dim = c(1,d))
## True regression coefficient
s_beta = 5
beta_0 = rep(0, d)
beta_0[1:s_beta] = sqrt(5)
## Generate the design matrix and outcomes
X_sim = mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(0, d), Sigma)
eps_err_sim = sig * rnorm(n)
Y_sim = drop(X_sim %*% beta_0) + eps_err_sim
obs_prob = 1 / (1 + exp(-1 + X_sim[, 7] - X_sim[, 8]))
R_sim = rep(1, n)
R_sim[runif(n) >= obs_prob] = 0
## Estimate the propensity scores via the Lasso-type generalized linear model
zeta = 5*sqrt(log(d)/n)/n
lr1 = glmnet(X_sim, R_sim, family = "binomial", alpha = 1, lambda = zeta,
standardize = TRUE, thresh=1e-6)
prop_score = drop(predict(lr1, newx = X_sim, type = "response"))
## Solve the debiasing dual program and estimate the dual objective function value
ll_cur = DualCD(X_sim, x_cur, Pi = diag(prop_score), gamma_n = 0.1, ll_init = NULL,
eps=1e-9, max_iter = 5000)
dual_val = DualObj(X_sim, x_cur, Pi=diag(prop_score), ll_cur=ll_cur, gamma_n=0.1)
[Package DebiasInfer version 0.2 Index]