DualCD {DebiasInfer} | R Documentation |
Coordinate descent algorithm for solving the dual form of our debiasing program.
This function implements the coordinate descent algorithm for the debiasing dual program. More details can be found in Appendix A of our paper.
Pi = NULL,
gamma_n = 0.05,
ll_init = NULL,
eps = 1e-09,
max_iter = 5000
X |
The input design n*d matrix. |
x |
The current query point, which is a 1*d array. |
Pi |
An n*n diagonal matrix with (estimated) propensity scores as its diagonal entries. |
gamma_n |
The regularization parameter " |
ll_init |
The initial value of the dual solution vector. (Default: ll_init=NULL. Then, the vector with all-one entries is used.) |
eps |
The tolerance value for convergence. (Default: eps=1e-9.) |
max_iter |
The maximum number of coordinate descent iterations. (Default: max_iter=5000.) |
The solution vector to our dual debiasing program.
Yikun Zhang, yikunzhang@foxmail.com
Zhang, Y., Giessing, A. and Chen, Y.-C. (2023) Efficient Inference on High-Dimensional Linear Model with Missing Outcomes. https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.06429.
d = 1000
n = 900
Sigma = array(0, dim = c(d,d)) + diag(d)
rho = 0.1
for(i in 1:(d-1)){
for(j in (i+1):d){
if ((j < i+6) | (j > i+d-6)){
Sigma[i,j] = rho
Sigma[j,i] = rho
sig = 1
## Current query point
x_cur = rep(0, d)
x_cur[c(1, 2, 3, 7, 8)] = c(1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/2, 1/8)
x_cur = array(x_cur, dim = c(1,d))
## True regression coefficient
s_beta = 5
beta_0 = rep(0, d)
beta_0[1:s_beta] = sqrt(5)
## Generate the design matrix and outcomes
X_sim = mvrnorm(n, mu = rep(0, d), Sigma)
eps_err_sim = sig * rnorm(n)
Y_sim = drop(X_sim %*% beta_0) + eps_err_sim
obs_prob = 1 / (1 + exp(-1 + X_sim[, 7] - X_sim[, 8]))
R_sim = rep(1, n)
R_sim[runif(n) >= obs_prob] = 0
## Estimate the propensity scores via the Lasso-type generalized linear model
zeta = 5*sqrt(log(d)/n)/n
lr1 = glmnet(X_sim, R_sim, family = "binomial", alpha = 1, lambda = zeta,
standardize = TRUE, thresh=1e-6)
prop_score = drop(predict(lr1, newx = X_sim, type = "response"))
## Solve the debiasing dual program
ll_cur = DualCD(X_sim, x_cur, Pi = diag(prop_score), gamma_n = 0.1, ll_init = NULL,
eps=1e-9, max_iter = 5000)