DSUserObjectResponseStatus {DatastreamR} | R Documentation |
All client methods to retrieve or modify user created items return a respone object which
includes a ResponseStatus property.The ResponseStatus property specifies success or failure
for the request using a DSUserObjectResponseStatus value
Response Values:
UserObjectSuccess : The request succeeded and the response object's UserObject(s) property
should contain the (updated) object (except for DeleteItem method).
UserObjectPermissions : Users need to be specifically permissioned to create custom objects.
This flag is set if you are not currently permissioned.
UserObjectNotPresent : Returned if the requested ID does not exist.
UserObjectFormatError : Returned if your request object is not in the correct format.
UserObjectTypeError : Returned if your supplied object is not the same as the type specified.
UserObjectError : The generic error flag. This will be set for any error not specified above.
Examples are:
1.Requested object ID is not present
2.You have exceeded the number of custom objects permitted on your account.
An object of class list
of length 6.