assertTempEmulationSchemaSet |
Assert the temp emulation schema is set |
computeDataHash |
Compute hash of data |
connect |
connect |
createConnectionDetails |
createConnectionDetails |
createDbiConnectionDetails |
Create DBI connection details |
createZipFile |
Compress files and/or folders into a single zip file |
DatabaseConnectorDriver |
Create a DatabaseConnectorDriver object |
dateAdd |
Add an interval to a date |
dateDiff |
Compute difference between dates |
dateFromParts |
Construct a date from parts |
day |
Extract the day from a date |
dbAppendTable-method |
Insert rows into a table |
dbClearResult-method |
Clear a result set |
dbClearResult-method |
Clear a result set |
dbColumnInfo-method |
Information about result types |
dbColumnInfo-method |
Information about result types |
dbConnect-method |
Create a connection to a DBMS |
dbCreateTable-method |
Create a table in the database |
dbDisconnect-method |
Disconnect (close) a connection |
dbExecute-method |
Execute an update statement, query number of rows affected, and then close result set |
dbExistsTable-method |
Does a table exist? |
dbFetch-method |
Fetch records from a previously executed query |
dbFetch-method |
Fetch records from a previously executed query |
dbGetInfo-method |
Get DBMS metadata |
dbGetInfo-method |
Get DBMS metadata |
dbGetQuery-method |
Send query, retrieve results and then clear result set |
dbGetRowCount-method |
The number of rows fetched so far |
dbGetRowCount-method |
The number of rows fetched so far |
dbGetRowsAffected-method |
The number of rows affected |
dbGetRowsAffected-method |
The number of rows affected |
dbGetStatement-method |
Get the statement associated with a result set |
dbGetStatement-method |
Get the statement associated with a result set |
dbHasCompleted-method |
Completion status |
dbHasCompleted-method |
Completion status |
dbIsValid-method |
Is this DBMS object still valid? |
dbIsValid-method |
Is this DBMS object still valid? |
dbListFields-method |
List field names of a remote table |
dbListTables-method |
List remote tables |
dbms |
Get the database platform from a connection |
dbReadTable-method |
Copy data frames from database tables |
dbRemoveTable-method |
Remove a table from the database |
dbSendQuery-method |
Execute a query on a given database connection |
dbSendQuery-method |
Execute a query on a given database connection |
dbSendStatement-method |
Execute a data manipulation statement on a given database connection |
dbUnloadDriver-method |
Load and unload database drivers |
dbWriteTable-method |
Copy data frames to database tables |
disconnect |
Disconnect from the server |
downloadJdbcDrivers |
Download DatabaseConnector JDBC Jar files |
dropEmulatedTempTables |
Drop all emulated temp tables. |
eoMonth |
Return the end of the month |
executeSql |
Execute SQL code |
existsTable |
Does the table exist? |
extractQueryTimes |
Extract query times from a 'ParallelLogger' log file |
getAvailableJavaHeapSpace |
Get available Java heap space |
getTableNames |
List all tables in a database schema. |
inDatabaseSchema |
Refer to a table in a database schema |
insertTable |
Insert a table on the server |
isSqlReservedWord |
Test a character vector of SQL names for SQL reserved words |
jdbcDrivers |
How to download and use JDBC drivers for the various data platforms. |
lowLevelExecuteSql |
Execute SQL code |
lowLevelQuerySql |
Low level function for retrieving data to a data frame |
lowLevelQuerySqlToAndromeda |
Low level function for retrieving data to a local Andromeda object |
month |
Extract the month from a date |
querySql |
Retrieve data to a data.frame |
querySqlToAndromeda |
Retrieves data to a local Andromeda object |
renderTranslateExecuteSql |
Render, translate, execute SQL code |
renderTranslateQueryApplyBatched |
Render, translate, and perform process to batches of data. |
renderTranslateQuerySql |
Render, translate, and query to data.frame |
renderTranslateQuerySqlToAndromeda |
Render, translate, and query to local Andromeda |
requiresTempEmulation |
Does the DBMS require temp table emulation? |
year |
Extract the year from a date |