Export Data from 'R' to 'DataGraph'

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Documentation for package ‘DataGraph’ version 1.2.14

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DataGraph-package Export Data from R to DataGraph
addDTable Save a data frame to a .dtable file
addDTBin Save a data frame to a .dtable file
closeDTable Save a data frame to a .dtable file
closeDTBin Close a .dtbin file
DataGraph Export Data from R to DataGraph
infoDTBin Save a data frame to a .dtable file
openDTable Open a .dtable file so you can write into it using addDTable
openDTBin Open a new .dtbin file
syncDTable Adds a .sync file with the same name as the .dtable file.
syncDTBin Adds a .sync file with the same name as the .dtbin file.
writeDTable Save a data frame to a .dtable file