special_simulation {DataFakeR}R Documentation

Set of functions defining special simulation methods for column and its type


Whenever there's a need to simulate column using specific function (as a spec parameter in YAML configuration file), such method should be defined in one of opt_simul_spec_<column_type> functions.


opt_simul_spec_character(name = simul_spec_character_name, ...)

opt_simul_spec_numeric(distr = simul_spec_numeric_distr, ...)

opt_simul_spec_integer(distr = simul_spec_integer_distr, ...)

opt_simul_spec_logical(distr = simul_spec_logical_distr, ...)

opt_simul_spec_date(distr = simul_spec_date_distr, ...)



Function for simulating personal names.


Other custom special methods.


Function for simulating data from desired distribution.


Currently defined special methods are:

Each 'spec' method receives n parameter (the desired number of rows to simulate), all the default column-based parameters (type, unique, not_null, etc.) but also a special one named spec_params that are applied to selected distribution simulation method.

See for example simul_spec_character_name definition.

[Package DataFakeR version 0.1.3 Index]