Tools for Easily Combining and Cleaning Data Sets

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Documentation for package ‘DataCombine’ version 0.2.21

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CasesTable Create reports cases after listwise deletion of missing values for time-series cross-sectional data.
change Calculate the changes (absolute, percent, and proportion) changes from a specified lag, including within groups
CountSpell Count spells, including for grouped data
dMerge Merges 2 data frames and report/drop/keeps only duplicates.
DropNA Drop rows from a data frame with missing values on a given variable(s).
FillDown Fills in missing (NA) values with the previous non-missing value
FillIn A function for filling in missing values of a variable from one data frame with the values from another variable.
FindDups Find duplicated values in a data frame and subset it to either include or not include them.
FindReplace Replace multiple patterns found in a character string column of a data frame
grepl.sub Subset a data frame if a specified pattern is found in a character string
InsertRow Inserts a new row into a data frame
MoveFront Move variables to the front of a data frame.
NaVar Create new variable(s) indicating if there are missing values in other variable(s)
PercChange Calculate the percentage change from a specified lag, including within groups
rmExcept Remove all objects from a workspace except those specified by the user.
shift A function for creating lag and lead variables.
shiftMA Internal function for slideMA
slide A function for creating lag and lead variables, including for time-series cross-sectional data.
slideMA Create a moving average for a period before or after each time point for a given variable
SpreadDummy Spread a dummy variable (1's and 0') over a specified time period and for specified groups
StartEnd Find the starting and ending time points of a spell
TimeExpand Expands a data set so that it includes an observation for each time point in a sequence. Works with grouped data.
TimeFill Creates a continuous Unit-Time-Dummy data frame from a data frame with Unit-Start-End times
VarDrop Drop one or more variables from a data frame.