getMetric {DVHmetrics}R Documentation

Calculate dose-volume-histogram metrics


Simultaneously calculates multiple metrics for multiple cumulative DVHs.


getMetric(x, metric, patID, structure,
           sortBy=c("none", "observed", "patID", "structure", "metric"),
          splitBy=c("none", "patID", "structure", "metric"),
           interp=c("linear", "spline", "ksmooth"), fixed=TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'DVHs'
getMetric(x, metric, patID, structure,
           sortBy=c("none", "observed", "patID", "structure", "metric"),
          splitBy=c("none", "patID", "structure", "metric"),
           interp=c("linear", "spline", "ksmooth"), fixed=TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'DVHLst'
getMetric(x, metric, patID, structure,
           sortBy=c("none", "observed", "patID", "structure", "metric"),
          splitBy=c("none", "patID", "structure", "metric"),
           interp=c("linear", "spline", "ksmooth"), fixed=TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'DVHLstLst'
getMetric(x, metric, patID, structure,
           sortBy=c("none", "observed", "patID", "structure", "metric"),
          splitBy=c("none", "patID", "structure", "metric"),
           interp=c("linear", "spline", "ksmooth"), fixed=TRUE, ...)



One cumulative DVH (object of class DVHs, multiple cumulative DVHs from one patient with multiple structures (object of class DVHLst), or multiple cumulative DVHs from many patients, each with multiple structures (object of class DVHLstLst). See readDVH.


character vector defining one or more DVH metrics. See Details for their definition. For metrics involving the relative dose, the DVH must contain the prescription dose.


character vector. Calculate given DVH metrics for these patients only. If missing, DVH metrics are calculated for all patients. Can be a regular expression if additional argument fixed=FALSE is supplied as well, see regex.


character vector. Calculate given DVH metrics for these structures only. If missing, DVH metrics are calculated for all structures. Can be a regular expression if additional argument fixed=FALSE is supplied as well, see regex.


character vector giving the sorting criteria for the output data frame.


character vector. Split results into a list of data frames where list components are defined by groups from combining these variables.


character. Method of interpolation between DVH points: Linear interpolation using approx, monotone Hermite spline interpolation using splinefun, or local polynomial regression using locpoly with kernel bandwidth chosen by the direct plug-in method using dpill.


logical. Use fixed=FALSE for regular expression matching of patID and structure.


Further arguments passed to getEUD (for metric="DEUD"), getTCP (for metric="DTCP"), or getNTCP (for metric="DNTCP").


A pre-specified DVH metric is one of the following character strings:

A free DVH metric is a character string which has three mandatory elements and one optional element in the following order (AAPM TG263 2018, section 9.2, note that complementary / cold metrics are not yet implemented):


If volume or dose values outside the range of possible values for a structure are requested, metrics cannot be calculated, and the result will be NA with a warning.

DMEAN, DMEDIAN, DMIN, DMAX, DSD are taken from the exported DVH if present. Otherwise, the differential DVH is generated and used for calculating these metrics.


A data frame or a list with details on the calculated metrics.


Patient ID




The calculated DVH metric


The observed value for the DVH metric


American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Task Group TG263 (2018). Standardizing Nomenclatures in Radiation Oncology. (section 9.2 "Guidelines for DVH metrics")

Rancati et al. (2004). Fitting late rectal bleeding data using different NTCP models: results from an Italian multi-centric study (AIROPROS0101). Radiotherapy Oncology, 73, 21-32.

Wu et al. (2002). Optimization of intensity modulated radiotherapy plans based on the equivalent uniform dose. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 52, 224-235.

See Also

saveMetric, getEUD, getNTCP, getTCP, getEQD2, approxfun, splinefun, dpill, locpoly


getMetric(dataMZ, c("D1CC", "V10%_CC"),
          sortBy=c("metric", "structure", "observed"))

# matching patients are P123 and P234
# matching structures are AMYOCL and AMYOCR
getMetric(dataMZ, c("D1CC", "V10%_CC"),
          structure=c("AMYOC", "VALVE"),

# gEUD with a=2
getMetric(dataMZ[[c(1, 1)]], "DEUD", EUDa=2)

# gEUD based on EQD2 with a=2, 20 fractions
getMetric(dataMZ[[c(1, 1)]], "DEUD", EUDa=2, EUDfd=1.8)

# NTCP Lyman probit model with TD50=20, m=4, n=0.5
getMetric(dataMZ[[c(1, 1)]], "DNTCP",
          NTCPtd50=20, NTCPm=4, NTCPn=0.5, NTCPtype="probit")

[Package DVHmetrics version 0.4.2 Index]