DTRreg {DTRreg}R Documentation

DTR Estimation and Inference via G-estimation, Dynamic WOLS, or Q-learning


Dynamic treatment regimen estimation and inference via G-estimation and dynamic WOLS. Estimation of blip model parameters for multi-stage data.


  data = NULL,
  method = c("gest", "dwols", "qlearn"),
  interactive = FALSE,
  treat.type = c("bin", "multi", "cont"),
  treat.fam = gaussian(link = "identity"),
  weight = c("abs", "ipw", "cipw", "qpom", "wo", "none", "manual"),
  n.bins = 3L,
  treat.range = NULL,
  treat.wgt.man = NULL,
  var.estim = c("none", "bootstrap", "sandwich"),
  full.cov = FALSE,
  bootstrap.controls = list(B = 100L, M = nrow(data), type = "standard", truncate = 0,
    verbose = FALSE, interrupt = FALSE),
  missing = c("drop", "ipw"),
  missing.mod = NULL,
  dtr = TRUE

## S3 method for class 'DTRreg'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'DTRreg'
summary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'DTRreg'
coef(object, ...)



The outcome variable. Missing data will result in a stopping error.


A list of formula objects specifying covariates of the blip function for each stage in order. No dependent variable should be specified. Note that this input should include the treatment variable ONLY if the blip model is quadratic in treatment. See Details for further clarification.


A list of formula objects specifying the treatment model for each stage in order. Treatment variable should be included as the dependent variable. If treatment is binary glm(family = binomial) will be used to obtain parameter estimates; if treatment is multi-nomial, multinom() will be used to obtain parameter estimates; and if treatment is continuous, lm() will be used.


A list of formula objects specifying covariates of the treatment-free model for each stage in order. No dependent variable should be specified.


A data frame containing all necessary covariates and treatments contained in the models. Missing data should be coded as NA.


The DTR method to be used, choose "dwols" for dynamic WOLS, "gest" for G-estimation, or "qlearn" for Q-learning.


If TRUE on-screen prompts will guide the user through the specification of blip, treatment, and treatment-free models.


A character object. Must be one of {"bin", "multi", "cont"} indicating that the treatments at each stage are binary, multinomial, or continuous, respectively. Each stage must have the same treatment type.


A character or family object. The description of the dose distribution along with the link function to be used in the treatment model for computing weights; should be specified in a similar format as that used in glm(). If character object, must be one of {"gaussian", "Gamma"}, for which gaussian(link = "identity") or Gamma(link = "log") will be used, respectively. Input is ignored for treat.type = "bin" and treat.type = "multi".


The form of the treatment weight. See details.


An integer object. The number of bins (levels) to be used for categorizing continuous doses. This input is required only when treat.type = "cont" and weight = "wo" or weight = "qpom".


For continuous treatments. Specify the maximum/minimum value that treatments can be take. If unspecified then the minimum/maximum value of observed treatments is used. If you wish to have unrestricted treatments set this option to c(-Inf, +Inf). If each stage has its own range, provide as a list, the ith element providing the min and max for the ith stage treatment.


NULL or a list of vectors of known treatment weights can be specified to be used instead of hard-coded treatment weight options. The ithi^{th} element of the list contains the multiplicative weights for the ithi^{th} stage. Each vector must be of length nn, the number of participants. Used only for method = "dwols".


Covariance matrix estimation method, either "bootstrap" or "sandwich" for sandwich estimation.


A logical. If TRUE, the full covariance matrix will be returned. If FALSE, only the terms pertaining to the blip parameters are returned.


A named list specifying control parameters of the bootstrap if var.estim = "bootstrap". Available controls are:


The number of bootstrap samples.


The subsample size for m out of n bootstrap.


The type of bootstrap. Must be one of {"standard", "empirical", "normal"}. The last two are parametric bootstraps.


A number between 0 and 0.5. The lowest and highest specified proportion of parameter estimates will be replaced by the relevant quantiles affording some robustness to extreme values when estimating covariance.


If TRUE, estimated time to completion will be printed to the console every ~30 seconds.


If TRUE then user will be given the option to abort the bootstrap without error if estimated time to completion exceeds 10 minutes.


A character object. Must be one of {"drop", "ipw"}. If set to "ipw" and covariate or treatment data are missing then inverse probability weights are used. The complete case probability is estimated via logistic regression. If set to "drop" and data are missing, participants with missing data are dropped for all stage analyses.


An optional list of formula objects specifying the model for the inverse probability of weights for each stage in order. No dependent variable should be specified. If missing = "ipw" and missing.mod = NULL, then the models are assumed to be linear comprising the full covariate history derived from all of the previous stage models.


A logical object. If TRUE, use the DTR estimation approach, which estimates the stage pseudo-outcome by adding a regret function. If FALSE, use an 'effect estimation' approach, which treats the observed outcome as being equal to an outcome assuming no treatment is received at any stage, plus a blip component at each stage; each stage pseudo-outcome is generated by subtracting a blip function. Note that most of the DTR-specific output will either be suppressed or irrelevant.


An object of class 'DTRreg'.




An object of class 'DTRreg'.


DTRreg() allows the estimation of optimal dynamic treatment regimens (DTRs, also known as adaptive treatment strategies) from multi-stage trials using G-estimation, dynamic weighted ordinary least squares (dWOLS), and genearlized dWOLS. All methods focus on estimating the parameters of the blip: a model of the difference in expected outcome under the observed treatment and some reference treatment (usually a control) at a given stage, assuming identical histories and optimal treatment thereafter. The reader is referred to Chakraborty and Moodie (2013) for a thorough introduction and review of DTR methods. The dWOLS method may be used to obtain parameter estimates identical to those from Q-learning (by setting weight = "none"). This option is intended primarily for exploratory purposes; the authors note that there is a dedicated R package for Q-learning (qLearn), although it is limited to the 2-stage setting; multi-stage settings are available in R package DynTxRegime.

This implementation assumes an outcome regression model of the form E(Y|X=x,A=a) = tf.mod + a blip.mod. That is – the input blip.mod formula should include the treatment variable ONLY if it is quadratic. For example, if the full blip model is linear in the treatment variable

aψ0+axψ1,\sim a \psi_0 + a x \psi_1,

then the input should model should be blip.mod = ~ x. If the full blip model is quadratic in the treatment variable

aψ0+a2ψ1+axψ2+a2xψ3,\sim a \psi_0 + a^2 \psi_1 + a x \psi_2 + a^2 x \psi_3,

blip.mod = ~ a*x. For continuous treatments, only quadratic blip functions are supported.

All methods require the specification of three models for each stage of the analysis: a treatment model (conditional mean of the treatment variable), a treatment-free model (conditional mean of outcome assuming only reference treatments are used), and a blip model. Only the blip model must be correctly specified (or over-specified), with consistent parameter estimates obtainable if at least one of the other two models is correctly specified. Note that all of these must be specified as lists of formula objects, even if only one stage of treatment is considered.

Note that as is conventional, it is assumed a larger value of the outcome is preferred (which can be easily achieved via transformation of your data if necessary).

When treatment is binary, if confidence intervals are computed (via specification of var.estim other than "none"), then DTRreg will calculate the proportion of subjects at each stage for whom optimal treatment is non-unique. If this proportion exceeds 0.05 a non-regularity warning will be displayed, along with the proportion of subjects for whom this is the case. Note that this warning is only displayed if a variance estimation option is selected.

Several treatment weight function options have been implemented within the package:


An object of class DTRreg, a list including elements


The number of decision points.


A list. The ith element contains the parameter estimates of the ith stage treatment-free model.


A list. The ith element contains the parameter estimates of the ith stage blip model.


A list. The ith element contains covariance matrix of the ith stage blip parameter estimates.


Non-regularity estimates.


A list detailing the input parameter settings used for the analysis


A list of the models used for the analysis.


The parameter estimation method.


The variance esetimation method.


If TRUE, missing data was modeled. If FALSE, cases with missing data were removed from the analysis.


The treatment weighting used for the analysis.


Treatment was binary, multinomial, or continuous.


The number of bins (levels) used for categorizing continuous doses when tx.weight = "wo" or tx.weight = "qpom".


Any user provided treatment weights.


For continuous treatments, the range of allowed treatment values.


The description of the dose distribution along with the link function used in the continuous treatment model.


A list of the bootstrap controls.


The type of effect. Dynamic treatment regime or treatment effect.


A list containing the training data.


The covariates and treatment data.


The outcome of interest.


The treatment variables, possibly recoded to adhere to internal code requirements.


A list containing the primary results of each stage analysis.


The number of participants included in the stage analysis.


The last stage each participant was included in the analysis.


The complete case probabilities.


The regression objects returned for estimating the complete case probabilities.


The complete case weights.


The treatment type at each stage.


The regression objects returned for estimating the treatment probabilities.


The estimated or provided treatment probabilities.


The treatment weights.


The regression objects returned for each stage outcome regression.


The pseudo-outcomes.


Estimates of the regret for each subject based on observed treatment and blip parameter estimates.


Optimal treatment decisions for each subject at each stage of treatment.


Predicted optimal outcome under recommended regimen.


The original function call.

The functions coef(), predict() and confint() may be used with such model objects. The first two have specific help files for their implementation, while confint() is used in the same way as the standard confint() command, with the exception of the parm option, which is not available.


Michael Wallace

Shannon T. Holloway


Chakraborty, B., Moodie, E. E. M. (2013) Statistical Methods for Dynamic Treatment Regimes. New York: Springer.

Robins, J. M. (2004) Optimal structural nested models for optimal sequential decisions. In Proceedings of the Second Seattle Symposium on Biostatistics, D. Y. Lin and P. J. Heagerty (eds), 189–326. New York: Springer.

Wallace, M. P., Moodie, E. E. M. (2015) Doubly-Robust Dynamic Treatment Regimen Estimation Via Weighted Least Squares. Biometrics 71(3), 636–644 (doi:10.1111/biom.12306.)

Simoneau, G., Moodie, E. E. M., Nijjar, J. S., and Platt, R. W. (2020) Finite Sample Variance Estimation for Optimal Dynamic Treatment Regimes of Survival Outcomes. Statistics in Medicine 39, 4466-4479.

Efron, B., and Tibshirani, R. (1986) Bootstrap Methods for Standard Errors, Confidence Intervals, and Other Measures of Statistical Accuracy Source: Statistical Science 1 54-75.



# models to be passed to DTRreg
# blip model
blip.mod <- list(~ X1, ~ X2)
# treatment model (correctly specified)
treat.mod <- list(A1 ~ X1, A2 ~ 1)
# treatment-free model (incorrectly specified)
tf.mod <- list(~ X1, ~ X2)

# perform G-estimation
mod1 <- DTRreg(twoStageCont$Y, blip.mod, treat.mod, tf.mod, 
               data = twoStageCont, method = "gest")

[Package DTRreg version 2.2 Index]