Doubly Truncated Data Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘DTDA’ version 3.0.1

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ACS Acute Coronary Syndrome data
ACSred Acute Coronary Syndrome reduced data
AIDS AIDS Blood Transfusion Data, right truncated
AIDS.DT AIDS Blood Transfusion Data, doubly truncated
ChildCancer Childhood Cancer Data
densityDT Estimation of a kernel density function under random double truncation
efron.petrosian NPMLE computation with the first Efron-Petrosian algorithm
EqSRounded Equipment-S Rounded Failure Time Data
hazardDT Estimation of the kernel hazard function under random double truncation
lynden NPMLE computation with the second Efron-Petrosian algorithm
PDearly Parkinson's Disease Data: early onset
PDlate Parkinson's Disease Data: late onset
Quasars Quasars Data
rsim.DT Random generation functions of doubly truncated data
shen NPMLE computation with Shen algorithm