DSSP-package {DSSP}R Documentation

Implementation of the Direct Sampling Spatial Prior


Draw samples from the direct sampling spatial prior model as described in G. White, D. Sun, P. Speckman (2019) <arXiv:1906.05575>. The basic model assumes a Gaussian likelihood and derives a spatial prior based on thin-plate splines.

Package Content

Index of help topics:

DSSP                    DSSP
DSSP-package            Implementation of the Direct Sampling Spatial
make.M                  Precision Matrix Function
plot.dsspMod            Diagnostic, Density and Contour Plots
predict.dsspMod         Predictions from a model with new data.
residuals.dsspMod       Get residuals from 'dsspMod' model
sample.delta            Function to sample from the posterior of the
                        variance parameter
sample.eta              Function to sample from the posterior of the
                        smoothing parameter eta conditioned on the data
sample.nu               Function to sample from the posterior of the
                        spatial effects
summary.dsspMod         Summarise a 'dsspMod' model
tps.rbf                 TPS radial basis function


Gentry White <gentry.white@qut.edu.au>



[Package DSSP version 0.1.1 Index]