Discontinuous Regression and Image Processing

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Documentation for package ‘DRIP’ version 2.0

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brain Brain Image
circles Image of Circles
cv.jpex Bandwidth Selection and Noise Level Estimation
dKQ Performance Measure of Edge Detector
jpex Blind Image Deblurring
JPLLK_surface Jump-Preserving Local Linear Kernel Smoothing
kid Image of a Kid
lena Lena Image
modify1 Type-1 Modification Procedure
modify2 Type-2 Modification Procedure
peppers Image of Peppers
roofDiff Roof Edge Detection Statistics
roofEdge Roof Edge Detector
roofEdgeParSel Parameter Selection in Roof Edge Detection
sar Synthetic Aperture Radar Image
stepDiff Step Edge Detection Statistics
stepEdge Step Edge Detector
stepEdgeParSel Parameter Selection in Step Edge Detection
stopsign Stop Sign Image
surfaceCluster Jump-Preserving Surface Estimation Using Pixel Clustering
surfaceCluster_bandwidth Bandwidth Selection for Clustering-Based Surface Estimation
threeStage Three-Stage Denoising and Deblurring
threeStageParSel Parameter Selection in Three-Stage Image Restoration