DPTS {DPTM} | R Documentation |
The Dynamic panel threshold model with multiple thresholds
DPTS This is a dynamic panel threshold model with fixed effects, which allows multiple thresholds, time trend term or time fixed effects.
y1 = NULL,
x = NULL,
cvs = NULL,
time_trend = FALSE,
time_fix_effects = FALSE,
x1 = NULL,
Th = 1,
ms = 1000,
burnin = 1000,
types = "DREAMzs",
r0x = NULL,
r1x = NULL,
restart = FALSE,
Only_b = FALSE,
w = NULL,
var_u = NULL,
delty0 = NULL,
nCR = 3,
autoburnin = TRUE,
sro = 0.1,
display = TRUE
y |
the dependent variable; vector type input. |
y1 |
the lag dependent variable; vector type input; By default, y1 is NULL, and then y1 will be computed by y automatically. |
x |
the independent variable; matrix type input. |
q |
the threshold variable; vector type input. |
cvs |
the set of control variables; matrix type input;By default, cvs is NULL. |
time_trend |
the time trend; By default, it is FALSE. |
time_fix_effects |
the time fixed effects; By default, it is FALSE. |
x1 |
the initial values of independent variable; matrix type input. By default, x1 is NULL, and thus x1 will be computed by x automatically. |
tt |
the length of time period. |
nn |
the number of individuals. |
Th |
the number of thresholds. |
ms |
the length of MCMC chains after burn-in. |
burnin |
the length of burn-in. |
types |
the type of MCMC used; More details see BayesianTools::runMCMC. |
ADs |
the options for MCMC; More details see BayesianTools::runMCMC. |
r0x |
the lower bound of thresholds; By default, r0x is NULL, and thus r0x will be computed by q automatically. |
r1x |
the upper bound of thresholds; By default, r0x is NULL, and thus r1x will be computed by q automatically. |
NoY |
the option of threshold effects on the lag dependent variable; By default, NoY is False, and thus there will be threshold effects on y1. |
restart |
the option of iterations; By default, restart is FALSE, if encounters iteration failure, please set restart as TRUE. |
Only_b |
the option of initial equation;By default, Only_b is FALSE, and if Only_b is TRUE, initial delta y will be a constant C.; Please see Hsiao (2002) and Ramírez-Rondán (2020) for more details. |
w |
the variance ratio; By default, is NULL; It must be greater than 1. |
var_u |
the option of variance of error term; By default, is NULL; It must be greater than 0; When meet relevant ERROR, please change the var_u. |
delty0 |
the option of delta_y; By default, delty0 is NULL; Please do not change delty0. |
nCR |
parameter determining the number of cross-over proposals of DREAM MCMC. If nCR = 1 all parameters are updated jointly. |
autoburnin |
a logical flag indicating of the Gelman and Rubin's convergence diagnostic, whether variables in x should be transformed to improve the normality of the distribution. If set to TRUE, a log transform or logit transform, as appropriate, will be applied. |
sro |
the least ratio of sample in regimes. |
display |
the option of whether to print the messages of estimated results; By default, the display is TRUE. |
A list containing the following components:
ssemin |
the negaive log-likelihood function value |
Ths |
a vector of multiple thresholds in order |
Ths_IC |
a matrix of confidence intervals of all thresholds |
Coefs |
parameter estimates containing t-values |
MCMC_Convergence_Diagnostic |
the Gelman and Rubin's convergence diagnostic results of MCMC sample |
model |
a list of results of DMPL |
an object of class mcmcSampler (if one chain is run) or mcmcSamplerList, more details see BayesianTools::runMCMC |
Hujie Bai
Ramírez-Rondán, N. R. (2020). Maximum likelihood estimation of dynamic panel threshold models. Econometric Reviews, 39(3), 260-276.
Hsiao, C., Pesaran, M. H., & Tahmiscioglu, A. K. (2002). Maximum likelihood estimation of fixed effects dynamic panel data models covering short time periods. Journal of econometrics, 109(1), 107-150.
data("data", package = "DPTM")
y <- data$data_test$y
q <-data$data_test$q
x <- as.matrix(data$data_test$x)
z <- as.matrix(data$data_test$z)
tt <- data$data_test$tt
nn <- data$data_test$nn
m1 <- DPTS(y=y,q=q,x=x,cvs = z,tt=tt,nn=nn,Th=1,ms = 100,burnin = 100)