stirlerrM {DPQmpfr} | R Documentation |
Stirling Formula Approximation Error
Compute the log()
of the error of Stirling's formula for .
Used in certain accurate approximations of (negative) binomial and Poisson probabilities.
currently simply uses the direct mathematical formula,
based on lgamma()
, adapted for use with mpfr
stirlerrM(n, minPrec = 128L)
stirlerrSer(n, k)
n |
numeric or “numeric-alike” vector, typically
“large” positive integer or half integer valued, here typically an
k |
integer scalar, now in |
minPrec |
minimal precision (in bits) to be used when coercing
number-alikes, say, biginteger ( |
Stirling's approximation to has been
where by definition the error is the difference of the left and right
hand side of this formula, in -scale,
See the vignette log1pmx, bd0, stirlerr, ... from package
DPQ, where the series expansion of is used with
11 terms, starting with
a numeric or other “numeric-alike” class vector, e.g.,
, of the same length as n
In principle, the direct formula should be replaced by a few terms of the
series in powers of for large
, but we assume using
high enough precision for n
should be sufficient and “easier”.
Martin Maechler
Catherine Loader, see dbinom
Martin Maechler (2021) log1pmx(), bd0(), stirlerr() – Computing Poisson, Binomial, Gamma Probabilities in R.
See Also
, stirlerr()
in package
DPQ which is a pure R version R's mathlib-internal C function.
### ---------------- Regular R double precision -------------------------------
n <- n. <- c(1:10, 15, 20, 30, 50*(1:6), 100*(4:9), 10^(3:12))
(stE <- stirlerrM(n)) # direct formula is *not* good when n is large:
plot(stirlerrM(n) ~ n, log = "x", type = "b", xaxt="n")
sfsmisc::eaxis(1, sub10=3)
for(k in 1:8) lines(n, stirlerrSer(n, k), col = k+1)
legend("top", c("stirlerrM(n)", paste0("stirlerrSer(n, k=", 1:8, ")")),
pch=c(1,rep(NA,8)), col=1:(8+1), lty=1, bty="n")
## for larger n, current values are even *negative* ==> dbl prec *not* sufficient
## y in log-scale [same conclusion]
plot (stirlerrM(n) ~ n, log = "xy", type = "b", ylim = c(1e-13, 0.08))
for(k in 1:8) lines(n, stirlerrSer(n, k), col = k+1)
legend("topright", c("stirlerrM(n)", paste0("stirlerrSer(n, k=", 1:8, ")")),
pch=c(1,rep(NA,8)), col=1:(8+1), lty=1, ncol=2, bty="n")
## the numbers:
options(digits=4, width=111)
stEmat. <- cbind(sM = stirlerrM(n),
sapply(setNames(1:8, paste0("k=",1:8)),
function(k) stirlerrSer(n=n, k=k)))
## for printing n=<nice>:
N <- Rmpfr::asNumeric
dfm <- function(n, mm) data.frame(n=formatC(N(n)), N(mm), check.names=FALSE)
## relative differences:
dfm(n, stEmat.[,-1]/stEmat.[,1] - 1)
# => stirlerrM() {with dbl prec} deteriorates after ~ n = 200--500
dfm(n, stEmat.[,-(1+8)]/stEmat.[,1+8] - 1)
### ---------------- MPFR High Accuracy -------------------------------
n <- as.bigz(n.)
## now repeat everything .. from above ... FIXME shows bugs !
## fully accurate using big rational arithmetic
class(stEserQ <- sapply(setNames(1:8, paste0("k=",1:8)),
function(k) stirlerrSer(n=n, k=k))) # list ..
stopifnot(sapply(stEserQ, class) == "bigq") # of exact big rationals
str(stEsQM <- lapply(stEserQ, as, Class="mpfr"))# list of 8; each prec. 128..702
stEsQM. <- lapply(stEserQ, .bigq2mpfr, precB = 512) # constant higher precision
stEsQMm <- sapply(stEserQ, asNumeric) # a matrix
stEM <- stirlerrM(mpfr(n, 128)) # now ok (loss of precision, but still ~ 10 digits correct)
stEM4k <- stirlerrM(mpfr(n, 4096))# assume "perfect"
## ==> what's the accuracy of the 128-bit 'stEM'?
N <- asNumeric # short
dfm(n, stEM/stEM4k - 1)
## 29 1e+06 4.470e-25
## 30 1e+07 -7.405e-23
## 31 1e+08 -4.661e-21
## 32 1e+09 -7.693e-20
## 33 1e+10 3.452e-17 (still ok)
## 34 1e+11 -3.472e-15 << now start losing
## 35 1e+12 -3.138e-13 <<<<
## same conclusion via number of correct (decimal) digits:
dfm(n, log10(abs(stEM/stEM4k - 1)))
plot(N(-log10(abs(stEM/stEM4k - 1))) ~ N(n), type="o", log="x",
xlab = quote(n), main = "#{correct digits} of 128-bit stirlerrM(n)")
ubits <- c(128, 52) # above 128-bit and double precision
abline(h = ubits* log10(2), lty=2)
text(1, ubits* log10(2), paste0(ubits,"-bit"), adj=c(0,0))
stopifnot(identical(stirlerrM(n), stEM)) # for bigz & bigq, we default to precBits = 128
all.equal(roundMpfr(stEM4k, 64),
stirlerrSer (n., 8)) # 0.00212 .. because of 1st few n. ==> drop these
all.equal(roundMpfr(stEM4k,64)[n. >= 3], stirlerrSer (n.[n. >= 3], 8)) # 6.238e-8
plot(asNumeric(abs(stirlerrSer(n., 8) - stEM4k)) ~ n.,
log="xy", type="b", main="absolute error of stirlerrSer(n, 8) & (n, 5)")
abline(h = 2^-52, lty=2); text(1, 2^-52, "52-bits", adj=c(1,-1)/8)
lines(asNumeric(abs(stirlerrSer(n., 5) - stEM4k)) ~ n., col=2)
plot(asNumeric(stirlerrM(n)) ~ n., log = "x", type = "b")
for(k in 1:8) lines(n, stirlerrSer(n, k), col = k+1)
legend("top", c("stirlerrM(n)", paste0("stirlerrSer(n, k=", 1:8, ")")),
pch=c(1,rep(NA,8)), col=1:(8+1), lty=1, bty="n")
## y in log-scale
plot(asNumeric(stirlerrM(n)) ~ n., log = "xy", type = "b", ylim = c(1e-13, 0.08))
for(k in 1:8) lines(n, stirlerrSer(n, k), col = k+1)
legend("top", c("stirlerrM(n)", paste0("stirlerrSer(n, k=", 1:8, ")")),
pch=c(1,rep(NA,8)), col=1:(8+1), lty=1, bty="n")
## all "looks" perfect (so we could skip this)
## the numbers ...
## %% FIXME a list instead of mpfrMatrix ... FIXME _____________
## FIXME ... asNumeric() needed or as(*, "mpfr") or ...
ks <- 1:8 ## k <= 5 === FIXME --- use DPQ's version !!
stirlS.l <- lapply(setNames(ks, paste0("k=",ks)),
function(k) stirlerrSer(n=n, k=k))
## ==> an mpfrMatrix of dim 35 x 5 :
mss <-, lapply(stirlS.l, mpfr, precBits=256))
stEmat <- cbind(sM = stEM4k, mss)
signif(asNumeric(stEmat), 6) # so it prints nicely
## print *relative errors* nicely :
## simple double precision version of direct formula (cancellation for n >> 1 !):
stE <- stirlerrM(n.)
dfm(n , cbind(stEmat[,-1], dbl=stE)/stEM4k - 1)
## relative differences:
dfm(n, stEmat[,-1] / stEmat[,1] - 1)
dfm(n., stEmat[,-(1+8)]/ stEmat[,1+8] - 1)