stirlerrM {DPQmpfr}R Documentation

Stirling Formula Approximation Error


Compute the log() of the error of Stirling's formula for n!n!. Used in certain accurate approximations of (negative) binomial and Poisson probabilities.

stirlerrM() currently simply uses the direct mathematical formula, based on lgamma(), adapted for use with mpfr-numbers.


stirlerrM(n, minPrec = 128L)
stirlerrSer(n, k)



numeric or “numeric-alike” vector, typically “large” positive integer or half integer valued, here typically an "mpfr"-number vector.


integer scalar, now in 1:11.


minimal precision (in bits) to be used when coercing number-alikes, say, biginteger (bigz) to "mpfr".


Stirling's approximation to n!n! has been

n!(ne)n2πn,n! \approx \bigl(\frac{n}{e}\bigr)^n \sqrt{2\pi n},

where by definition the error is the difference of the left and right hand side of this formula, in log\log-scale,

δ(n)=logΓ(n+1)nlog(n)+nlog(2πn)/2.\delta(n) = \log\Gamma(n + 1) - n \log(n) + n - \log(2 \pi n)/2.

See the vignette log1pmx, bd0, stirlerr, ... from package DPQ, where the series expansion of δ(n)\delta(n) is used with 11 terms, starting with

δ(n)=112n1360n3+11260n5±O(n7).\delta(n) = \frac 1{12 n} - \frac 1{360 n^3} + \frac 1{1260 n^5} \pm O(n^{-7}).


a numeric or other “numeric-alike” class vector, e.g., mpfr, of the same length as n.


In principle, the direct formula should be replaced by a few terms of the series in powers of 1/n1/n for large n, but we assume using high enough precision for n should be sufficient and “easier”.


Martin Maechler


Catherine Loader, see dbinom;

Martin Maechler (2021) log1pmx(), bd0(), stirlerr() – Computing Poisson, Binomial, Gamma Probabilities in R.

See Also

dbinom, stirlerr() in package DPQ which is a pure R version R's mathlib-internal C function.


### ----------------  Regular R  double precision -------------------------------

n <- n. <- c(1:10, 15, 20, 30, 50*(1:6), 100*(4:9), 10^(3:12))
(stE <- stirlerrM(n)) # direct formula is *not* good when n is large:
plot(stirlerrM(n) ~ n, log = "x", type = "b", xaxt="n")
sfsmisc::eaxis(1, sub10=3)
for(k in 1:8) lines(n, stirlerrSer(n, k), col = k+1)
legend("top", c("stirlerrM(n)", paste0("stirlerrSer(n, k=", 1:8, ")")),
       pch=c(1,rep(NA,8)), col=1:(8+1), lty=1, bty="n")
## for larger n, current values are even *negative* ==> dbl prec *not* sufficient

## y in log-scale [same conclusion]
plot (stirlerrM(n) ~ n, log = "xy", type = "b", ylim = c(1e-13, 0.08))
for(k in 1:8) lines(n, stirlerrSer(n, k), col = k+1)
legend("topright", c("stirlerrM(n)", paste0("stirlerrSer(n, k=", 1:8, ")")),
       pch=c(1,rep(NA,8)), col=1:(8+1), lty=1, ncol=2, bty="n")

## the numbers:
options(digits=4, width=111)

stEmat. <- cbind(sM = stirlerrM(n),
                sapply(setNames(1:8, paste0("k=",1:8)),
                       function(k) stirlerrSer(n=n, k=k)))

## for printing n=<nice>:
N <- Rmpfr::asNumeric
dfm <- function(n, mm) data.frame(n=formatC(N(n)), N(mm), check.names=FALSE)

## relative differences:
dfm(n, stEmat.[,-1]/stEmat.[,1] - 1)
    # => stirlerrM() {with dbl prec} deteriorates after ~ n = 200--500
dfm(n, stEmat.[,-(1+8)]/stEmat.[,1+8] - 1)

### ----------------  MPFR High Accuracy -------------------------------

n <- as.bigz(n.)
## now repeat everything .. from above ... FIXME shows bugs !
## fully accurate using big rational arithmetic
class(stEserQ <- sapply(setNames(1:8, paste0("k=",1:8)),
                        function(k) stirlerrSer(n=n, k=k))) # list ..
stopifnot(sapply(stEserQ, class) == "bigq") # of exact big rationals
str(stEsQM  <- lapply(stEserQ, as, Class="mpfr"))# list of 8;  each prec. 128..702
    stEsQM. <- lapply(stEserQ, .bigq2mpfr, precB = 512) # constant higher precision
stEsQMm <- sapply(stEserQ, asNumeric) # a matrix

stEM   <- stirlerrM(mpfr(n, 128)) # now ok (loss of precision, but still ~ 10 digits correct)
stEM4k <- stirlerrM(mpfr(n, 4096))# assume "perfect"
## ==> what's the accuracy of the 128-bit 'stEM'?
N <- asNumeric # short
dfm(n, stEM/stEM4k - 1)
## 29 1e+06  4.470e-25
## 30 1e+07 -7.405e-23
## 31 1e+08 -4.661e-21
## 32 1e+09 -7.693e-20
## 33 1e+10  3.452e-17  (still ok)
## 34 1e+11 -3.472e-15  << now start losing
## 35 1e+12 -3.138e-13  <<<<
## same conclusion via  number of correct (decimal) digits:
dfm(n, log10(abs(stEM/stEM4k - 1)))

plot(N(-log10(abs(stEM/stEM4k - 1))) ~ N(n), type="o", log="x",
     xlab = quote(n), main = "#{correct digits} of 128-bit stirlerrM(n)")
ubits <- c(128, 52) # above 128-bit and double precision
abline(h = ubits* log10(2), lty=2)
text(1, ubits* log10(2), paste0(ubits,"-bit"), adj=c(0,0))

stopifnot(identical(stirlerrM(n), stEM)) # for bigz & bigq, we default to precBits = 128
all.equal(roundMpfr(stEM4k, 64),
          stirlerrSer (n., 8)) # 0.00212 .. because of 1st few n.  ==> drop these
all.equal(roundMpfr(stEM4k,64)[n. >= 3], stirlerrSer (n.[n. >= 3], 8)) # 6.238e-8

plot(asNumeric(abs(stirlerrSer(n., 8) - stEM4k)) ~ n.,
     log="xy", type="b", main="absolute error of stirlerrSer(n, 8)  & (n, 5)")
abline(h = 2^-52, lty=2); text(1, 2^-52, "52-bits", adj=c(1,-1)/8)
lines(asNumeric(abs(stirlerrSer(n., 5) - stEM4k)) ~ n., col=2)

plot(asNumeric(stirlerrM(n)) ~ n., log = "x", type = "b")
for(k in 1:8) lines(n, stirlerrSer(n, k), col = k+1)
legend("top", c("stirlerrM(n)", paste0("stirlerrSer(n, k=", 1:8, ")")),
       pch=c(1,rep(NA,8)), col=1:(8+1), lty=1, bty="n")

## y in log-scale
plot(asNumeric(stirlerrM(n)) ~ n., log = "xy", type = "b", ylim = c(1e-13, 0.08))
for(k in 1:8) lines(n, stirlerrSer(n, k), col = k+1)
legend("top", c("stirlerrM(n)", paste0("stirlerrSer(n, k=", 1:8, ")")),
       pch=c(1,rep(NA,8)), col=1:(8+1), lty=1, bty="n")
## all "looks" perfect (so we could skip this)

## the numbers ...
## %% FIXME a list instead of mpfrMatrix ... FIXME _____________
## FIXME ... asNumeric() needed or  as(*, "mpfr") or ...
ks <- 1:8 ## k <= 5 === FIXME --- use DPQ's  version !!
stirlS.l <- lapply(setNames(ks, paste0("k=",ks)),
                   function(k) stirlerrSer(n=n, k=k))
## ==> an mpfrMatrix of dim  35 x 5 :
mss <-, lapply(stirlS.l, mpfr, precBits=256))
stEmat <- cbind(sM = stEM4k, mss)
signif(asNumeric(stEmat), 6) # so it prints nicely
## print *relative errors* nicely :
## simple double precision version of direct formula (cancellation for n >> 1 !):
stE <- stirlerrM(n.)
dfm(n , cbind(stEmat[,-1], dbl=stE)/stEM4k - 1)
## relative differences:
dfm(n,  stEmat[,-1]    / stEmat[,1] - 1)
dfm(n., stEmat[,-(1+8)]/ stEmat[,1+8] - 1)

[Package DPQmpfr version 0.3-2 Index]