numer-utils {DPQ}R Documentation

Numerical Utilities - Functions, Constants


The DPQ package provides some numeric constants used in some of its distribution computations.

all_mpfr() and any_mpfr() return TRUE iff all (or ‘any’, respectively) of their arguments inherit from class "mpfr" (from package Rmpfr).

logr(x,a) computes log(x / (x + a)) in a numerically stable way.

modf(x) splits each x into integer part (as trunc(x)) and fractional (remainder) part in (1,1)(-1, 1) and corresponds to the R version of the C99 (and POSIX) standard C (and C++) mathlib functions of the same name.


## Numeric Constants : % mostly in   ../R/beta-fns.R
M_LN2        # = log(2)  = 0.693....
M_SQRT2      # = sqrt(2) = 1.4142...
M_cutoff     # := If |x| > |k| * M_cutoff, then  log[ exp(-x) * k^x ]  =~=  -x
             #  = 3196577161300663808 ~= 3.2e+18
M_minExp     # = log(2) * .Machine$double.min.exp # ~= -708.396..
G_half       # = sqrt(pi) = Gamma( 1/2 )

## Functions :
logr(x, a)    # == log(x / (x + a)) -- but numerically smart; x >= 0, a > -x
okLongDouble(lambda = 999, verbose = 0L, tol = 1e-15)



numeric or "mpfr" numeric vectors.

x, a

number-like, not negative, now may be vectors of length(.) > 1.


a number, typically in the order of 500–10'000.


a non-negative integer, if not zero, okLongDouble() prints the intermediate long double computations' results.


numerical tolerance used to determine the accuracy required for near equality in okLongDouble().


all_mpfr() :

test if all or any of their arguments or of class "mpfr" (from package Rmpfr). The arguments are evaluated only until the result is determined, see the example.


computes log(x/(x+a))\log( x / (x+a) ) in a numerically stable way.


The numeric constant in the first case; a numeric (or "mpfr") vector of appropriate size in the 2nd case.

okLongDouble() returns a logical, TRUE iff the long double arithmetic with expl() and logl() seems to work accurately and consistently for exp(-lambda) and log(lambda).


Martin Maechler

See Also



(Ms <- ls("package:DPQ", pattern = "^M"))
lapply(Ms, function(nm) { cat(nm,": "); print(get(nm)) }) -> .tmp

logr(1:3, a=1e-10)

okLongDouble(verbose=TRUE) # verbose: show (C-level) computations
## typically TRUE, but not e.g. in a valgrinded R-devel of Oct.2019
## Here is typically the "boundary":
rr <- try(uniroot(function(x) okLongDouble(x) - 1/2,
              c(11350, 11400), tol=1e-7, extendInt = "yes"))
str(rr, digits=9) ## seems somewhat platform dependent: now see
## $ root      : num 11376.563
## $ estim.prec: num 9.313e-08
## $ iter      : int 29

set.seed(2021); x <- runif(100, -7,7)
mx <- modf(x)
with(mx, head( cbind(x, i=mx$i, fr=mx$fr) )) # showing the first cases
with(mx, stopifnot(   x == fr + i,
                      i == trunc(x),
               sign(fr) == sign(x)))

[Package DPQ version 0.5-8 Index]