Statistical Inference for Mixed Traces of DNA (Lite-Version)

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Documentation for package ‘DNAmixturesLite’ version 0.0-1

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DNAmixturesLite-package Statistical Inference for Mixed Samples of DNA (Lite-Version)
boxplot.DNAmixture Plot simulated peak heights for multiple DNA mixtures.
buildMixtureDomains Create RHugin domains for computation.
DNAmixture Create a DNA mixture model
DNAmixtureData Create a data set for a DNA mixture model
DNAmixtures Statistical Inference for Mixed Samples of DNA (Lite-Version)
DNAmixturesLite Statistical Inference for Mixed Samples of DNA (Lite-Version)
dyes Dyes for a DNA mixture
dyes<- Dyes for a DNA mixture
getShapes Shape parameters for a mixture with known contributors only
logL Loglikelihood function for DNA mixture analysis.
logL.K Loglikelihood function for DNA mixture analysis.
logL.UK Loglikelihood function for DNA mixture analysis.
logLpres.K Loglikelihood function for DNA mixture analysis.
logLpres.UK Loglikelihood function for DNA mixture analysis.
map.genotypes Maximum posterior genotypes of unknown contributors
MC15 The MC15 DNA mixture
MC18 The MC18 DNA mixture
mixML Maximisation of the likelihood for one or more mixed traces of DNA
mixpar Parameters for DNA mixture models
NGM NGM allele frequencies
NGMDyes Dyes used for NGM
plot.DNAmixture Plot a DNA mixture model
plot.prequential.score Calculate prequential scores
predict.DNAmixture Various probabilities in a fitted DNA mixture model
prequential.score Calculate prequential scores
print.DNAmixture Create a DNA mixture model
print.mixpar Parameters for DNA mixture models Summary of best genotypes
print.summary.mixVarEst Estimated asymptotic variance matrix for MLE
ProfilerDyes Dyes used for Profiler plus
qqpeak Quantile-Quantile plot for assessing the distribution of observed peak heights.
removePeakInfo Include or exclude peak information in the model
rPeakHeight Simulate peak heights from a DNA mixture model.
setCPT Set conditional probability tables for all auxiliary variables
setCPT.D Set tables for auxiliary variables 'D'
setCPT.O Set tables for auxiliary variables 'O'.
setCPT.Q Set tables for auxiliary variables 'Q'
setPeakInfo Include or exclude peak information in the model
SGMplusDyes Dyes used for SGMplus Summary of best genotypes
summary.mixVarEst Estimated asymptotic variance matrix for MLE
UKCaucasian Allele frequencies for UK Caucasians
USCaucasian The data base of allele frequencies for 302 US Caucasian profiles.
varEst Estimated asymptotic variance matrix for MLE